How can I send a command for a panel like a CV7 or Modero to go to a specific page?
Dear all,
I believe this might be easy for you all.
How can I send a command (by Netlinx) for a panel like a CV7 or Modero to go to a specific page?
Thank you in advance
I believe this might be easy for you all.
How can I send a command (by Netlinx) for a panel like a CV7 or Modero to go to a specific page?
Thank you in advance
Thanks David..
Best Regards
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This is a much debated discussion around here. There are two camps. One says do the page/popup navigation using the built-in touch panel functions.
The other camp (of which I'm part) says do the navigation within the program.
There are positives and negatives to both approaches.
I like the latter because I always want to know what's going on at the touch panels.
We older AMX programmers were beat over the head and shoulders at AMX school to get away from using the touch panel's navigation functions and move them to the program.
I see the wisdom of that now that I've been doing it for a while. You can catch a lot more problems with the user interface if you get in the habit of doing the navigation from the code.
Also, it tends to streamline your touch panel design. I don't have to have separate touch panel files for my projects. (And in projects with 10-20 touch panels, that's a plus!) I use the same touch panel file for everything and call up the specific things needed based upon the device number.
I"m sure this will start the raging debate again...
I think it's better to use the code when you want to go to specific page on a certain condition, which is not a feature in TPD, at least as i know... is that right ericmedley??
I think that is so.
I'll admit that I've been doing it so long with code that I'm not all that familiar with the built-in functions. I do know that you can stack a bunch of navigations in a touch panel button. That's kinda cool...
On AMX's site they have a bunch of different panels from Infocomm... from these I was toying with the idea of the panel sending commands to itself.. for example.. I have a page that lists 3 hvac zones.....
each of those buttons flips back to the zone control page... but they also send commands to itself.....
^TXT-201,0,18th East
so now on the zone control page a button with address 201 has text of '18th East'.
and the buttons that list 'Zone Control', and 'Zone Select' become 'on' and 'off' accordingly.
being able to do this adds a lot of functionality, but Idoing it from the program is still my perferred way because at no point in a touchpanel can it track a variable... or do an 'if-then' statement.....
but it was fun to play.
You know, I have been going back and forth on this issue for quite some time and I believe that there are many pros and cons for each. Of coarse, sending page flip/pop-up commands from the master will yield greater control and as stated before, you can use state variables or what have you to condition when a page or pop-up command is sent. But on the other hand, if you have a well oiled touch panel file and you use it for many jobs, I can see the benefit of not writing code for the TP files. I have been in situations where both have worked very well. I even had a client on a small job complain that when the master couldn't connect (a whole other issue), that the touch panels didn't work either leaving a sense with the client that the issue was greater than it was. I know, it seems a bit arbitrary but my vote goes with sending commands from the master for touch panel page/pop-up flips. The cool thing is that with page tracking, you will get your page flip notifications that you can use to set variable states or what not.
I use to use all page commands from within the TP file and I still haven't had any problems in doing so. I guess it depends on the application.
It sure does make generating a touch panel file less work where you can just copy and paste code in NStudio. But anyways...