Is there any equivalent for TPDesign "hide popups on page" command in nexlinx code?
And why I have to give for the hide group command a specific page name and not the group name?
And why I have to give for the hide group command a specific page name and not the group name?
Close all popups on a page. If page name is empty, the command has no
effect. (Same as a 'Clear Page' command in TPDesign 4)
Clear all popup pages from a specified popup group.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'@CPG-<popup group name>'"
popup group name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters.
Name of the popup group.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'@CPG-Group1'"
Clears all popup pages from the popup group 'Group1'.
A good resource for referencing these commands can be found in Software History. It can be launched separately, or you can find it in Netlinx Studio under Tools->Software History. Look up the model number of the touchpanel you're using, then you'll see the command sets that are available for it. It can be an invaluable resource.
What will I do without this forum
I looke at the modero 8400 manual and missed those commands.
and good to know about the software history tool
thanks again and have a greate weekend!
will close all currently active popups.
I use this one quite often because I commonly have 2-3 popups open at once.
You guys always forget about PI, specially the online public version, it is awesome