Animated Backgrounds

Hello All......
I am trying to design a UI and want to implement animated background like the attached, I got it from the Blue Steel Template...... Do you know what type of this image, i just want a keyword to use to google for it, or telling me a good site that hosts such images.
I am trying to design a UI and want to implement animated background like the attached, I got it from the Blue Steel Template...... Do you know what type of this image, i just want a keyword to use to google for it, or telling me a good site that hosts such images.
Yeah, I know it's an Animated Gif, but i wanted to know, In which category this one falls into, so i can get more similar to it
Or can create something similar. with different colors and moving parts.
I mean , Like Fantasy Animation, Animated Background, Water Animations, ...etc
I need more like this gif... an animated background with moving parts or waves... something similar to the posted image
Like Joe said you can't use GIF's animated or otherwise. I don't even think it's possible extract the individual layers of an animated GIF so that you can convert them one by one to JPEG or PNG file types. You can decomplie SWF's and get their individual sprites so maybe it's possible with GIF but I haven't seen it.
To make your own animation, you need to do take multple pictures and them vary them slightly. It can any where from 2 to 100 or more pic files to achieve the animation depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
Come on guys please don't go off the topic, I know how to do it... I just want to know how to find more animated backgrounds like the posted one, or even some app that can create such image..... i don't mean create animated image , i mean create those waves and water drops.
Here is how I can use Gifs:
- Extract the frames from the GIF using any gif animator app, I use Ulead Gif Animator 5.0... Lite... perfect!!, besides it can export the images in PNG format directly
- If the extracted frames are not in PNG format , Convert them with any batch conversion utility, I suggest ACDsee
- Go to TPD4 and make your aniomation
That's it
How to export Animation From TouchPanel UI:
- Go to the Resource manager, Export the animation frames to a folder
- Use any Gif animator app, Ulead Gif Animator is perfect, and add these frames to the story board
- set the playback options (frame delay, Fps)
- Save as GIF!!
Hope this is a helpful brief TuToRiaL
Hey, I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but Digital Juice has REALLY nice animated backgrounds and graphics that you could use. They are originally intended for video production and graphic design sort of stuff, but you could easily crop them and/or resize them down to the size you want to use. There is a lot of this kind of stuff out there, but Digital Juice is one of the best. Oh yeah, they are a little spendy too. Check out some of their stuff here,
Well... .. You've Made My Day!!
This is exactly what i want .....Thanks alot