TP Password

How do I either get past the password prompt for protected set up or default a TP back to factory settings?
After changing the protected password I can't seem to get in any more. I've tried variations of the password which was entered in order to compensate for the fat fingers FU, although I used the stylus. The protected password should require a duplicate comparison entry for this reason.
After changing the protected password I can't seem to get in any more. I've tried variations of the password which was entered in order to compensate for the fat fingers FU, although I used the stylus. The protected password should require a duplicate comparison entry for this reason.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
This only works when the panel is connected to a master and to change the connection settings you need to enter protected setup. That's a bit of a conundrum!!!
Here's what I did to recover the Protected Setup password for an MVP-8400 I bought on eBay.
1) Remove Compact Flash card from panel.
2) Connect card to a PC using a CF card reader. (In my case a PCMCIA to CF adapter.)
3) Boot from Knoppix Linux bootable CD (or alternately the DVD or USB drive version)
4) View the largest of the four partitions on the CF with the file explorer. Note: Depending on the Knoppix version your using, you may need to figure out what drive the CF card is and "Mount" it. For me Knoppix mounted it automatically.
5) Open the /Amx folder.
6) Right Click on the file named: Local.xma and choose open in Editor.
7) This file is an Xml file. The panel passwords are at the beginning in plain text. They are numbered 0 thru 4 (I think 4 is the Protected password) this seems to equate to panel passwords 1 thru 5.
8) Copy down the passwords.
9) Re-install Compact Flash card in panel.
10) Enjoy access to your panel's Protected Setup area once again!
I went one step further and changed the Protected password back to "1988" because I think in most instances it's ridicules to use anything else.
Hope this helps someone get out of this predicament in the future.
Jeff Beam
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