Sony Proj control over IP

I am working with a Sony VPL PX 15 projector that has only IR or IP control. I would like to control it over IP from the web server in the projector. To turn the projector on from a standard web browser I can put:
in the url.
How do you translate this in to a string I can send to the projector over IP from the controller?
Would this be a get command or a put command and how does this get formated. I am not clear on HTTP requests.
Thanks for any help that can be provided.
in the url.
How do you translate this in to a string I can send to the projector over IP from the controller?
Would this be a get command or a put command and how does this get formated. I am not clear on HTTP requests.
Thanks for any help that can be provided.
Try telnetting to the projector and typing in "help".
But thanks
For ""
GET /appli/ir.dll/Sircs?0x4054+46+ONESHOT+0 HTTP/1.0 CR LF CR LF
THis is a working string from my router at home:
I open a TCP/IP connection to the projector on the above port, send the command out with the IP preface, wait for a reply then close the connection. ( the sony's will shut down the connection after like 5 seconds or something so you have to open & close the connection when you have a command to send)
But then again you can also just send that command as listed above if it works.
GET /appli/ir.dll/Sircs?0x4054+46+ONESHOT+0 HTTP/1.0 CR LF CR LF
worked good. Changing the 46 in the string changes functions.
This was much easier then using Sony's standard commands, on port # 53484.
Now I am not familier with the Get command you are using - is that an IP command, and are you using a send_string as in the example that Marc showed?
Also do you open the TCP/IP server using the standard netlinx commands?
Get is the standard http command to get the file that does... (whatever) Your browser sends that command out upon first opening port 80 on a remote server. The server is supposed to send back whatever is the default file to start the http conversation.
Just as an aside, I find using http to control a device rather clunky and avoid it at all costs if possible. The reason is that on the AMX end of things, a slight modification on the server on web page design can horse up your string concantinations. I much prefer basic telnet type commands when possible.
I do this even on things that one would think would be a 'web only' solution. I much prefer getting my weather information from a telnet server as opposed to farming if off a website.
hypertext is designed to be used by a completely different animal. But, that's just my opinion...
but - I assume that I use an IP_CLIENT_OPEN command first on port 80 to open the port, and then use the send_string command to send out the get command with whatever syntax is required?
Here's a little hunk of http code that I use to get my WAN address by hitting
I'm kinda old school and like to run down to the define_program section where others will put this in a function.
So, my program kinda reads from botton up.
You start the process by setting GET_WAN_IP_FLAG=1
I used to do this by hitting my Linux server at a high port. This was essentially a custom built thing by me and was a quick telnet session.
However, AMX keeps their web page active and I don't have to ensure my Linux server is up and running. This works best for our client's here since I'm not doing this as a freelance programmer any longer.
The best way to understand this is hit the website in IE first to see what happens. Then look at the code.
'Accept: */*',13,10,
'Accept-Language: en-us',13,10,
'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate',13,10,
'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)',13,10,
section is all spoof to make the remote server think the AMX master is really a windows browser. I figured this out by setting up a port on the AMX master and hitting it with IE from my laptop. I know this is also information available on the AMX site.
Hope that helps
I ran across it on some tech note while looking for something else. I had just been using my own personal server for a while. I was kind of nervous not using the companies or an independent.
I was so releived to see that AMX had thought of it too and just converted all the systems here over to it.
If you create a session in hyperterminal and copy/paste the GET message into it, you'll see what it spits back at you. That's how I did it.
HTTP protocol is easy enough to find. Just google 'hypertext protocol' It is a fabulously easy protocol really.
By the way if you add a line after the GET statement line that says
then the connection will shut down after the information is sent from the server.
Thanks Again.
Would you happen to have a short sample of code for the control using Sony's 'PJ Talk' (Port #53484)? I'm trying to use Essential NetTools 'RawSocket' to communicate with my VPL-VW100 (Ruby), and I'm not getting anywhere - I figured I should at least be able to accomplish this before I write code. If you have complete codes/commands for turning the projector on and off, I would really, really appreciate it. Thanks!
I hope this code looks right - I've only had 2 cups this morning.
Thank you for the quick response. I hope to spend some time on it this weekend - I'll let you know what I find.