i!-Database Plus on Netlinx

Is there a way to host the DB and web files directly on the MASTER?
I love this tool, it's just difficult to convince a client that I need to install files on their server, or my own server on their network.
If one master could host the DB and web traffic of other masters this solution would be more self contained.
Anyone tried this? Or know if it's possible?
I love this tool, it's just difficult to convince a client that I need to install files on their server, or my own server on their network.
If one master could host the DB and web traffic of other masters this solution would be more self contained.
Anyone tried this? Or know if it's possible?
It's a commercial grade Java DB running as a Duet module. I didn't do any fancy queries, nor load large amounts of data, but my limited test worked.
The performance on a centrally hosted AMX master DB might not be so great compared to i!-Database Plus. You might get away with a DB on each master, with a replication/sync scheme.
I'm curious on amount and type of data.
I just updated my test/demo a bit more. Running a database directly on a Duet enabled box is feasible.
Current output
This database implementation would be suitable for phone list, contact list, VC listing, equipment usage, guide data, CDDB info, Voting System, etc. The database can also be synchronized to JDBC capable servers such as Oracle, SQL 200x, MySQL, etc.
Send me an email if you have any development needs I can assist with.
It's a commercial Java product that we have a development license for. So we can provide a solution using this code and provide the commercial license file. It's a mature solution that runs well on AMX's Java implementation. Licensing is tied to Ethernet MAC Address.
pls tell how to implement MySQL on Duet
You can try to email him directly. See his posts for an email address (embedded in the text that he posted way back when).
Cool idea, but unfortunately, I can't help with the actual details.