Create an animated button showing connectivity?
Would someone be so kind as to outline the steps needed to create an animated (multi-state) button that is connected either to the wireless connection status or master connection status on an MVP-8400 panel? I would like to animate a logo when connected and set it to an off state if not connected. Thanks for any suggestions you can give!
To setup a connection indicator with your logo, you will need to assign the Port to 0 - Setup and the address and channel code to Panel Setup: Connection. Then add your logo file to the states as per a normal animation. I think you may be restricted to using State 1 for Off and States 2-5 for On...
The other option is you write your own code within Netlinx to Animate you button for the TP Online Event and Off for the TP Offline Event.
If you are going to copy it, you are stuck with the default behavior. It's internal to the panel.
This brings to mind one of the things I wish they'd change on the Touch panels. I wish you could assign a level to the battery life and signal strength. I don't know how many times I wish I could monitor the battery charge in the program and warn the user when one of their touch panels was off the charger.
I'm like you Dave in that I just copy/paste the batt/signal levels off the setup pages and modify them from there.
Use a level_event and manipulate level.value for the port. Seem to remember it must be a level code of 8. Whether it is a 'must' or it is the first free one, I can't honestly remember!
We often send emails to the IT dept or CEO's PA if the level gets low - the panel has clearly been left off the charger.