NI-3100 IP issues

in AMX Hardware
I have an NI-3100 that does everything that it is supposed to do until I want to connect to it via the ethernet port and use NetLinx Studio. I always have to power cycle it. If I am doing code, I usually leave open the debugger so the connection will stay hot. It seems if left alone for a bit, the ethernet port ceases to work with Studio until I reboot it via a power cycle. Is there a setting somewhere that is causing this? As mentioned, it controls everything just fine, even the items controlled via IP. The only time I have any problems is when I connect my PC to the network switch and try to connect to it with Netlinx Studio. The problem might lie within the switch, but our network guys are always quick to point their fingers at the devices as compared to their switches. Any suggestions?
try another switch. we use unmanaged allied telesis 8/16-port switches. or no switch at all. but then make sure you connect to the netlinx master with a crossover-cable.
I suppose you have loaded the actual Netlinx and Netlinx Device Firmware, as there was an issue with stuff like that before.
I had this problem before , it was because I set the gateway IP to
after then its fine except that I can't use the terminal in the same time with ethernet connection,
anyway, I recommend reloading firmwares. and call AMX support first.
The only network items the Netlinx talks to are the three touch panels via a Cisco switch. I was just looking back over my code before I responded to this and I noticed my three TP's are declared like so:
There is no data event for them. This is the only Master I am havig this problem with and the only system that sports multiple TP's. Have I declared my TP's wrong? Am I causing this problem?
May you connect in RS-232 to program port of NI when you are no more able to connect in IP ? and if so, may you do a msg on and see if something is displayed ?
Also may you force NI in half duplex 10 for Ethernet as it's the most compatible mode, and it should have no consequence on your system for operation
Hope it helps
I've attached a text file with TN544
masters are loosing netlinx communication, I must reboot to communicate with them again.
gateway is not, I have last firmware update...
Switch is a simple Linksys 54g
Ping is working ok, I just can't connect with netlinx studio.
any idea?
I am connecting, but the connection is drooping after some time when there is no activity.