MVP-8400i Telnet Security

in AMX Hardware
Good day to you...
I didn't find any document mentioning Telnet login security for MVPs... am I right?
I didn't find any document mentioning Telnet login security for MVPs... am I right?
Well you can't setup on MVP same setup system as on master, but you can allow/disallow telnet server in MVP (go in Setup Pages -> Protected and then you have a button to allow/disallow telnet access to MVP
When answering supporting calls, or even fixing something without going to the clients place, I use Telnet to go to the setup page, so turning it OFF will get me stuck.... Won't be able to Re-enable it again.
For this, the panel is not required to be set to USB connection mode, but you need to have installed the AMX USBLan Driver on your PC. The USBLanLink tool establishes a virtual network card on your PC with IP address by default. The panel is running on IP
So just connect a Modero panel by USB with your PC, launch a telnet session to and have fun :-)
You forgot to mention the USB over TCP/IP adapter you use to do this over the Internet, as Sensiva was hoping to be able to do...
If you just need to trigger the setup page, why not do it from the master? Then you just need remote access to the master, and can use Control A Device to send the command to the panel, or rig up something fancier with a TCP/IP port listening on the master for debugging access. Perhaps I'm missing something here...
GET CONNECTION to verify that the panel is pointed to the correct master
SHOW CONNECTION LOG to see network reliability
GET IP when your TP has a DNS entry rather than static IP
I would like to see improved telnet security across the whole G4 range. (I use MVPs and CV7s.) At this point in time, anyone can telnet into my panels and reboot them, change IP settings, etc. A simple username/password (or even just a PIN) would be suitable.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
Thank you for this great addition, Will be helpful in installation procedures, but as JWeather mentioned..... I am interested in Telneting over WAN.... Anyway, We will just keep waiting for this feature, I hope it come up soon.