Commands at Certain Times
I want to get a screen to power on and off at specific times. The code I'm using is
IF (LOOP = 7)
{LOOP = 1}
IF (TIME = '10:00:00')
SEND_COMMAND LCD4010, "$30,$30,$21,$0D"
IF (TIME = '18:00:00')
SEND_COMMAND LCD4010, "$30,$30,$22,$0D"
Yet at these times the screen isnt powering on - just as info these commands do work and the screen is connected
I want to get a screen to power on and off at specific times. The code I'm using is
IF (LOOP = 7)
{LOOP = 1}
IF (TIME = '10:00:00')
SEND_COMMAND LCD4010, "$30,$30,$21,$0D"
IF (TIME = '18:00:00')
SEND_COMMAND LCD4010, "$30,$30,$22,$0D"
Yet at these times the screen isnt powering on - just as info these commands do work and the screen is connected

Just a guess
This method using wildcards for the time is more reliable, because
the sequence isnt restricted to an exact "on-the-second" process.
As long as your processor time is correct, this should work every time.
IF (TIME = '23:10:??') (* 12:00 MIDNIGHT *)
Thanks for this - Ill give it a go now. Didn't realise about the wildcards - I thought it might be missing the exact second.
Is it better to keep it inside the WAIT command or have it as part of the actual program code ?
It depends how busy the rest of the code is. NetLinx is multi-threaded, but the threads run sequentially, not concurrently. If the program has enough to to do, it may not fire more than once, but if the program passes through that stage of the code faster than the interval it's testing for, it's very possible it will. Myself, I always drop a flag variable in so it can't run more than once no matter what, and reset the flag when the sequence is restarted.
On the other hand, the one second wait the OP put in can easily cause it never to fire, because every pass through the loop it's testing for an exact second. Waits are not that precise. When you initiate a WAIT, the code is shelved until the next pass through the main process loop. At that point, it is tested to see if the at least that much time has expired. If not, it is shelved again until it is. However, your wait may have initialized at 10:00:59:59 ... wait a full second, plus program execution time, even only a few milliseconds, and it may now be 10:00:01:01. The time test will then fail. In that particular example, a wait of less than a second would likely work just fine ... but make it too small and it will fire multiple times. I would go (if I were stuck on doing it that way) with a wait value of 6. That would be impossible to fire twice, but not likely to run into problems from the inaccuracy of the wait handling.
That is why I tend to do everything when time is HH:MM:58 seconds or greater.
So, I'll do something like this
Heh - here we are getting all technical, and there is a blatant error that will keep it from working anyway. Vining is quite correct - a SEND_COMMAND won't do a thing sent to a physical device, it's only for internal commands to the device handler.
It is dirt simple, excutes only once, and no, you do not need to name the wait.
This will only trigger once while the time_to_minute function equals 32 and it wont matter how many times the program runs through the line of code.
Time to minute will equal 32 for 59 seconds which means it could execute 37,356 times. Ok, I made that number up but it's alot if in the mainline.
Turn diagnostics on and try this code : My NI-3100 triggered 1143 times before triggering the Wait 'triggered' line.
You should use a nBlock (see below) variable to stop re-triggers.
Except that basing the action on the channel event makes the programmed action happen once, even if it executes 37,000 times it will only actually execute one channel on command because once a channel is on it cannot trigger another channel on event from on to on again and the channel off command is then sent when the time to minute does not equal the time you are looking at. I have tried other combinations in the past and when performing a time function based on a time to second I have experienced misses where the programmed function did not activate because somehow it was missed.
Be kind to your processor and it will in turn be kind to you.
It only executes once because when the wait is in queue it can't be re-written.
When the program comes across a wait it basically runs a function like this one below:
Obviously this is a very simplified interpretation of how I believe it to work and would probably be a structure and contain a pointer to the code that would need be executed. The system would check and see if anything is in queue and if so start a timeline that repeats every 100ms. The timeline would go through every entry and decrement each entries time value and when the time value reached zero it would execute that section of code and clear that entry and then shift the other entries to fill the gap and when there are no more entries in the queue it would the system simply stop the timeline.
GSLogic wrote: In B-Clements example the wait 11 was the block because his time event included seconds of 00 which means after the wait 11 (1.1 seconds) the current time would be xx:xx:01 and no longer a true statement and ther fore wouldn't execute again.
Thanks for all the info and the deep drilling down.
I made the simple mistake of the SEND_COMMAND & swapped this and it seems to work. I will move it into an event thou I think - just to make it more easier to read.
The wildcards in the time values don't work thou - just for info IE TIME = '23:00:??'
Thanks Again
I understand in a small project it's okay to ignore these repeats, but in large jobs we have numerous user timer events and having the processor try to repeat a half million times a minute is unacceptable. (64 timer events x 8,000 = 512,000 loop).
You can get around all this non scene by just using a TIMELINE which repeats ever minute.
footnote: number of processor repeats will vary do to the NI model, your code and the moon
I completely agree no matter what size system you're running that code should only execute once it that is all it needs to do regardless of whether is has ill affect or not.
I'm talking about entering the "IF (TIME='22:00:00')" statement, this IF statement becomes true and repeats 1143 times.
What I'm trying to saying is, why enter the IF statement to just pound the WAIT command over and over.
Entering the IF statement, do your business and get out. (wash your hands when your done)
So, what is the difference if any, I wonder, between the routine executing and 'pounding' the existing wait inside, or having nBlock in the IF statement that is also going to get 'pounded' while 23:00:00 is true.
Surely it's just 'pounding' a different door!
I use the wait 11 approach all the time - saves another var declaration if nothing else.
Quick, and to me perfectly reasonable!
Your code works every bit as well as mine, no problem. My method saves declaring another variable thus simplifing the solution.
In my example and yours the IF statements in the Define_Program section are evaluated 1143 times per second plus or minus. The Wait queue gets evaluated automatically after each pass through the Define_Program section so there is no extra processing.
Keep in mind the Define_Program section will run whenever the Event queue is empty, but no less than about 15 times a second no matter how big your program is or number of events pending.
By the way, I really dig the passion on the forums.
Happy Thanksgiving all.
Hi Brian, hope all is well and YES it is a tough crew out there, but it's the only way it should be!
Happy Turkey 01 u 01.
WAIT 600 IF (COMPARE_STRING('07:35:??', "TIME")) doDaily();
This should run every five minutes. still less than the zillion times in mainline, no?