MVP-8400i Missed Button Press Events?
I'm having an issue on a client site that appears to be caused by missed button press events from an MVP-8400i panel using URL based communication with an NI-3100 controller in the same room.
Here is some detail on the problem:
- Concerned with one zone in this problem
- There are two displays in this zone
- One display is the primary display for viewing and the other is a secondary display (bar area).
- Each display receives the same video feed split from an AV receiver and there is one set of speakers for this zone fed from this receiver. In other words, they can only choose one source for the zone at a time, but they can view it on either display independently.
- The goal is to turn on the intended display when the user chooses a source from the popup for their selected area (main or bar).
- The main area and bar area source popups are in the same popup group in TPDesign4, so they are mutually exclusive.
- There are multiple WAPs (all with the same SSID and different channels) in the house including one in close proximity to the MVP-8400i for this zone.
My diagnosis:
I originally did the tracking for the display to control by assigning a unique channel code to each popup trigger and changing the displayToControl variable in code to the proper display based on the button event. This worked most of the time, but occasionally (approximately 5% to 10% of the time), it would turn on the bar display when the main display popup was being viewed. This rate of failure is unacceptable so I need to come up with a more reliable solution. I could find no control path in code that would assign the value to displayToControl incorrectly (only two value assignments for this variable exist in the entire module). My conclusion is that button presses are being missed or dropped occasionally.
My solution:
I have decided to use page tracking instead of relying solely on button presses to track which popup the user is currently viewing.
My questions:
Does anyone know if my diagnosis is plausible and if so, what the drop off rate for button events is?
Will page tracking be any more reliable than using button events?
My thought was that page tracking might go through stronger error detection/recovery in the Transport Layer because of the "one time only" nature of the message as opposed to a button press which might be expected to be sent multiple times and therefore would require a lower Quality of Service. This is all just a guess though. I would appreciate any ideas or feedback.
Here is some detail on the problem:
- Concerned with one zone in this problem
- There are two displays in this zone
- One display is the primary display for viewing and the other is a secondary display (bar area).
- Each display receives the same video feed split from an AV receiver and there is one set of speakers for this zone fed from this receiver. In other words, they can only choose one source for the zone at a time, but they can view it on either display independently.
- The goal is to turn on the intended display when the user chooses a source from the popup for their selected area (main or bar).
- The main area and bar area source popups are in the same popup group in TPDesign4, so they are mutually exclusive.
- There are multiple WAPs (all with the same SSID and different channels) in the house including one in close proximity to the MVP-8400i for this zone.
My diagnosis:
I originally did the tracking for the display to control by assigning a unique channel code to each popup trigger and changing the displayToControl variable in code to the proper display based on the button event. This worked most of the time, but occasionally (approximately 5% to 10% of the time), it would turn on the bar display when the main display popup was being viewed. This rate of failure is unacceptable so I need to come up with a more reliable solution. I could find no control path in code that would assign the value to displayToControl incorrectly (only two value assignments for this variable exist in the entire module). My conclusion is that button presses are being missed or dropped occasionally.
My solution:
I have decided to use page tracking instead of relying solely on button presses to track which popup the user is currently viewing.
My questions:
Does anyone know if my diagnosis is plausible and if so, what the drop off rate for button events is?
Will page tracking be any more reliable than using button events?
My thought was that page tracking might go through stronger error detection/recovery in the Transport Layer because of the "one time only" nature of the message as opposed to a button press which might be expected to be sent multiple times and therefore would require a lower Quality of Service. This is all just a guess though. I would appreciate any ideas or feedback.
MVP's dont roam well between multiple WAP's... quite often this will explain missing buttons events.
Try calling the popups in code rather than in the panel and you should get more reliable tracking, also add a check for the TP bouncing on and offline.