SIRIUSly speaking

SIRIUS Connect Home Tuner Pro Kit SC-H1P2
Has anyone tried one of these? For $79.99 it sure looks like an inexpensive way to add Sirius radio to a home automation system. All the other tuners I?ve seen that have RS-232 control are several hundred dollars.
What do you guys and gals think?
Has anyone tried one of these? For $79.99 it sure looks like an inexpensive way to add Sirius radio to a home automation system. All the other tuners I?ve seen that have RS-232 control are several hundred dollars.
What do you guys and gals think?
Did the Sirius Standard Protocol come with the unit? The user manual doesn?t mention it at all and I can?t find it on the web. I called Sirius to inquire about their protocol but that was as successful as asking my dog to bake me a cake. They didn?t have a clue as to what I was talking about.
I can tell you that it works as advertised and it operates just like any other Sirius tuner except that the control and feedback is entirely via RS-232. If you purchase one of these and don?t activate it, then you?ll get the same exact type of functionality you get with any other Sirius tuner that?s not activated. You?ll only get channel 184 which is the preview channel. Although it took me a while to figure out that I needed to issue a power on command in order to hear any audio. I figured that seeing a light go on after plugging it in meant it was powered on but that?s not the case.
The protocol is straight forward and very well documented. The most difficult part for me was finding the right location to mount the outside antenna to get a strong signal 24 hours a day.
The tuner also has a high WAF at my house since wifey can now put on channel 2 and listen to Christmas music around the clock Lucky me?.
Not anymore.
You can find them at the link below:
I had a SC-H1P2 that went belly up early this year. I finally got around to replacing this week with the SCH2P which is a much nicer rack mountable model and can be found here:
After I plugged the unit in I had immediate RS-232 control without modifying one line of code in my module. (I think someone asked earlier somewhere if the SCH2P and the SC-H1P2 used the same protocol.) All the feedback for artist and song names seem fine. However, while working on a channel line-up guide and going through all the stations I noticed that some of the category and station name feedback isn?t right.
For example channel 81 is listed in the guide as the Strobe under Dance/Electronic category, however, the data I?m getting back is for the category Jzz/Stndrd/Clscl which doesn?t exist anymore (Jazz and Classical are supposed to be two separate categories) and the channel name is coming back as Cinemagc.
Can someone who has Sirius go to channel 81 and see what they get for the category and channel name?
Genre: Dance/Elec
Channel Name: BPM
I?m looking for channel 81 on Sirius.
I get Dance/Elec BPM for channel 36 on Sirius which is correct.