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NI-4100 problem

I have a big problem with my ni-4100 controller. It loses the connection with the touch panels and also 5 minutes after reboot i can't connect with telnet...very big problem. How can i solve it?


  • Sounds like a memory leak... in telnet do 'show mem' a few times before you lose the connection... see if the available mem decreases

    Are you running Duet modules?
  • i run only one module for eib gateways...same with http interface....maybe because of the firmware?
  • i can observe now another issue on mvp-8400..the connection led in red in setup page but it writes connected to master?!?!
  • There were reported issues with the NI41xx firmware causing IP drop-outs earlier this year - are you running the latest version?

    If its a leak in the code, try compiling without the EIB module - do you still loose IP connections, if yes then there is something in the master code that is eating mem, otherwise its with the EIB module / UI code. It could also be overrun with messages / feedback.

    What is your Volatile Mem, NonVolatile Mem & Duet Mem?
  • memory status:

    volatile free:34578072
    nonvolatile free:1045560
    disk free:118964224
    duet memory free:2484232

  • Please also check the URL list of the master. Maybe there is a entry to the IP of itself. This loop will overrun the IP handler, and so you'll loose IP connections.
  • url list 0:1:0
    the following urls exist in the url connection list
    ->entry 0- ip= state=lookingup ip
  • one more thing that i noticed....long time no activity, conection lost between mvp and controller....
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    If you flip dip switch #1 up and reboot (to bypass the program that's loaded) do you still have the problem?
  • cristibad wrote:
    url list 0:1:0
    the following urls exist in the url connection list
    ->entry 0- ip= state=lookingup ip
    IF is the master itself, remove the URL entry - loopback!
  • same problem with dip switch 1 on
    yes, .200 is de master's ip...how do i remove it?
  • set url and d...
  • remove url=>everything it's ok now!!
    Thank you!
  • hello guys. i have a new problem. uploading to the unit works very hard(very low speed) , and after some time (like 12 hours) the unit loses network connection. if i reboot the system everything works fine. the memory status is ok...any ideas ?
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    I do these two commands on pretty much all masters I work on:

    set ethernet mode 10 half
    set udp bc mode 0

    I've found they are not always necessary (tremendously helpful when they are!), but it definitely does not hurt and it can eliminate a service call down the road.

    (Only use "set udp bc mode 0" if you are not using the "Auto" feature to connect the TP to the master (who uses this anyway??))
  • I had a similar issue on an NI700 with slow upload speeds and erratic behavior, turned out to be a wire got crossed on the network cable.

    Here's a link to the thread:

  • hi guys,

    I changed the network cables, switches, routers, aps..nothing happened. After a period of time the master loses the connection. The green led from the rj-45 stays on, but the orange one in off after the problem occured.

    Any ideas?
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Can you use a serial cable to connect to the program port on the processor? If so, check the memory available on the processor. If it is low, it will probably be a memory leak in your code somewhere. This is where I would start checking. If it does look like a memory leak, the best way to troubleshoot is to pull up diagnostics and see if there are a bunch of messages about the available memory dropping. If you don't see this happening on it's own, start pushing buttons and see if you can figure out when it happens. If you do see it happening, start commenting out code the is running in mainline or at regular intervals (timelines, modules that poll, ...)

    Hope this helps,
  • Hi guys,

    So i just figure out the the problem is with network traffic.

    I have some bad code but I just found a way to solve it.

    I will try this and see if it works.
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