Tandberg TVS camera presets
Hi all,
I just came across this and hope it will enlighten me in a specific challenge. I have dealt with the Tandberg Video Switch for the first time and successfully configured it so that code is able to select the first input on the codec, then use the xcommand switch source for choosing the correct camera video and PTZ control. However, saving and recalling presets does not work using the presetactivate or IR controller. Anyone dealt with this yet? Tandberg support is proving to be well-neigh worthless, but if I do eventually get a solution from them, I will be sure to follow here!
I just came across this and hope it will enlighten me in a specific challenge. I have dealt with the Tandberg Video Switch for the first time and successfully configured it so that code is able to select the first input on the codec, then use the xcommand switch source for choosing the correct camera video and PTZ control. However, saving and recalling presets does not work using the presetactivate or IR controller. Anyone dealt with this yet? Tandberg support is proving to be well-neigh worthless, but if I do eventually get a solution from them, I will be sure to follow here!
If you work with the xconfiguration commands for the switcher (via the codec) and map the 'remote' switcher inputs to the logical inputs on the codec the presets should follow. These commands are in the 'installation' document for the switcher.
Example: There are two cameras connected to the switch, which we
want to access from the menu and remote using the ?main cam? and ?aux? buttons:
xconfiguration Switch LogicalInput 1 Mode: On
xconfiguration Switch LogicalInput 1 Map: 1
xconfiguration Switch LogicalInput 2 Mode: On
xconfiguration Switch LogicalInput 2 Map: 2
Just doing our first TVS install atm and its all working fine. Sad to hear Tandberg Support is dodgy where you are, we find them incredibly responsive - including answers from Engineering in Norway usually overnight...
Don't have the release notes to hand (gimme a break, its holiday time!) but there was a preset issue in earlier builds which has been fixed in the recently released F6.2.
We have the appropriate mappings so eg: HD Cam 2 = Doc Cam or whatever in our AMX code so if we swap out a codec for any reason its reconfigured on NI reboot.
Be aware new camera firmware is uploaded automagically after codec upgrade but ONLY the first camera in the string is updated. You'll have to move each camera to the first position in the VISCA string if you have multiple cameras.
TVS update is not automated at all, there are instructions in the release notes on how to kick it off manually.
I did get a hold of someone who immediately identified the issue as being the release F6.1 not having the same capabilities as F6.2... My betters are going back and forth on the status of the service contract, but it looks like this should be the answer.
Thanks, Michael and Todd for your replies, and I'll check back in once I get final confirmation that this resolves the issue!