Trouble with R4 Transfer
I am working with an R4 for the first time.
When trying to do a transfer from TPD4, the transfer hangs at "Create Remote Panel Directories"
Any ideas?
I am working with an R4 for the first time.
When trying to do a transfer from TPD4, the transfer hangs at "Create Remote Panel Directories"
Any ideas?
Obviously if you getting to that point you're configured correctly so if the above doesn't apply or if it does but doesn't help I ain't got a clue.
You cannot transfer to an R4 over Zigbee as I was trying to do. The transfer must be USB.
You must also update to the latest AMX USB LAN driver from the website to work with the R4.
After a while you will learn to hate this transfer method. Changing from mesh to usb then rebooting, switching back, so on and so forth.
Be sure to start with the Queuing "Comm" Module before you get deep with your code and remember with ZigBee (R4s) less = more where the lesser amount of feedback and communications to the R4s the more reliability you'll achieve.
I am currently working on an R4 UI for the Fireball.
The Fireball module sends eight variable text changes in one shot as you scroll up or down a list of movies, songs etc. The first five appear on the R4 almost instantaniously, while the the last three each take progressively longer to appear. The last two can take almost five seconds each to display. Running the queing module has no affect on this. The amount of characters being sent has no affect either.
Any ideas?