Concept devices

in AMX Hardware
What would you like to see in the future from AMX?
Here's what I'd like to see. A dynamic keypad. Fully dynamic. Very much like the Optimus keyboard (, but it would come in the size of a Mio 16 btn keypad. Imagine, having buttons that didn't require engraving, and were fully customizable depending on source. I guess it could be a mix between a touch panel, and a keypad. Programmed with TPD4.
So what would you guys want?
Here's what I'd like to see. A dynamic keypad. Fully dynamic. Very much like the Optimus keyboard (, but it would come in the size of a Mio 16 btn keypad. Imagine, having buttons that didn't require engraving, and were fully customizable depending on source. I guess it could be a mix between a touch panel, and a keypad. Programmed with TPD4.
So what would you guys want?
In the future I wish to see natatorial IR remote control for pools. And still I would want that АМХ have raised quality of the products instead of the price!!!
I hate to put it in such blunt terms, but someone on the design team needs to be fired (most likely a manager). Far too often we have gotten new devices from AMX that look sharp, but are entirely impractical. I love the design of the MVP-8400, for example, but the cheesy soft finish on the plastic and sticky hardware buttons really make it tough to justify the cost to a customer. "Oh, your $5000 remote looks like crap after 6 months? I'll get you a new case." A lousy solution for a terrible design flaw. The MIO keypads are another one - did anyone in design actually use the things? They look great, but the button action is mushy at best; if you don't hit them squarely, they don't work, they hang up on adjacent buttons, etc. And don't even get me started on the MAX HT chassis, where I have to re-seat a random drive every other week because they don't seem to mesh properly with the backplane and drop off line.
The older AMX devices didn't suffer this way. I have a VCN-CP at home that must be ten years old and looks brand new. The MSP keypads were almost indestructible and beyond reliable. I have never had one fail mechanically, ever. Why they didn't upgrade that design with a display and TCP connections still can't figure.
I still feel very strongly about this issue and last year I casually discussed this with a distributor and was told 'let go of the past - the old stuff is dated, old school, and these (Mio Rx's) are the new direction for remotes'.
Still I wonder though....
Preachit brother...
Even the CA-10s which kinda looked rickety stilll worked very well and were pretty bullet-proof.
I just checked to make sure of this, but I've had at least one Modero fail and need to be sent back for repairs on every one of my projects last year with one exception. That project only had 2 panels. So, the odds were in favor of that one.