clock send command in Netlinx
Any news on the Axcess clock command. Is it now implemented in Netlinx. At the moment a rs 232 cable is running from port1 to the master port . We send the set time command out on port 1 .
send_command 0,"'CLOCK ',date,' 0',itoa(uur),':',mid_string(time,4,2),':01'"
Nick from the Netherlands
send_command 0,"'CLOCK ',date,' 0',itoa(uur),':',mid_string(time,4,2),':01'"
Nick from the Netherlands
It seems that the clock setup in the touchpanel is doing the job automatic. It is both ways. Adjust the clock of the master with terminal and it will adjust the clock on the touchpanel. GREAT. Also adjusting the clock in the setup on the touchpanel will adjust the NETLINX master clock. That easy, never seen that in the manuals.
...touch panels do not have an on-board clock. This page both utilizes the
time/date from and sets the time/date to the NetLinx Master.
If you need to give a client access to the clock just use the Port 0, Set Time address codes
SEND_COMMAND 0:1:0,"'CLOCK ',DATE,' ',cHour,':',cMin,':00'";
because i've used that in an older netlinx frame (ni-3000 i think)
If I'm understanding you correctly...
You can do a clock/date set command from the program. You don't need to burn up a serial port to do it.
I don't know why you wouldn't be able to send it via Maseter-to-Master to another master on the system either.
You'd just have to change the address to 0:1:system number (I think)
Then just send the properly formated CLOCK command to the virtual device.
But, this all hinges on the command actually working. Now that I think about it, wasn't there an !i-time module or maybe it was !i-Scheduler that had some sort of internet time server capability? This means there must be a way to set the clock on the processor.
I'm not sure if the i!-TimeManager module takes network latency into account, but it couldn't be much worse than a M2M implimentation.
From my point of view, the best thing about NTP is that I can forget daylight savings rules, etc. The NTP server admin now looks after that for me, and they don't even realise it.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University