Sony VPLW60 Not Responding RS232

All right smart guys (and gals), sitting in a basement on a Saturday trying to get a Media Room up and running and everything is hunky dory except for a non responsive Sony Projector. The wire is good, the 232 port is good, the Tx light is flashing when a command goes out but nothing happens and nothing comes back. Have the protocol doc in front of me and standard Sony Projector commands [$A9....$9A], but I'm not even seeing a NACK let alone an ACK. Ideas? Anyone?
Send_Command dvProj,'SET BAUD 38400,E,8,1';
// Power On
SEND_STRING dvProj,"$A9,$17,$2E,$00,$00,$00,$45,$9A"
Is the Checksum correct in your example? I thought it did an OR which would make the Checksum ($45 in your example) a $3F (Decimal 63).....
In your example, your Checksum is just adding (DEC equiv) $17 + $2E (the next 3 bytes are 0).
Am I wrong for the VW60?
I'm looking at Page 6 in the PDF Manual....
ProjectorOn = "$A9,$17,$2E,$00,$00,$17,$3F,$9A"
ProjectorOff = "$A9,$17,$2F,$00,$00,$17,$3F,$9A"
with: SEND_COMMAND dvPROJECTOR, 'SET BAUD 38400, N, 8, 1'
should work with newer sony projectors.
I think they recently changed from even parity to no parity
I don't need any codes, I created ControlCAL to help with Control and Calibration of Displays, I'm adding Sony support now.