RS-232 for LCD 47" FULL HD
I really don`t know how control this device! I tried: baud rate - 9600,N,8,1, 38400,N,8,1, 115200,N,8,1 ... so a long time ago I made a project with LG plasma and the command used to turn on was: SEND_STRING dvDevice,"'ka 0 1',13" and it was working...the manual for LCD shows the same commands. Maybe I'm using the wrong manual ... I don't know.
What I have to do??
I really don`t know how control this device! I tried: baud rate - 9600,N,8,1, 38400,N,8,1, 115200,N,8,1 ... so a long time ago I made a project with LG plasma and the command used to turn on was: SEND_STRING dvDevice,"'ka 0 1',13" and it was working...the manual for LCD shows the same commands. Maybe I'm using the wrong manual ... I don't know.

What I have to do??
Then check the cable cuz that seems to be what has caused most of my comm problems. For most devices you just want pins 2,3 & 5 connected on the AMX side otherwise comms can be sporadic or they'll send ok and not receive if they work at all. You can also connect pins 2 to 3 and make a loopback to test your cable, port and program.
'SET BAUD 9600,N,8,1 485 DISABLE'
and for the on command
They are notoriously flaky, however.
Well, anyone has the protocol for this device? While I don't discover how ... I will use IR ... but I don't have the discrete for inputs too.
The problem was "485 disable"
When I removed this line from the port initialization every thing start working..
In the manual its not mention at all.
when I can't control a serial device I have some ways to check whats the problem:
1. check cable and put a cross over unit on it to see maybe this is the problem.
2. change baud rate and 485 disable the init port (I had few systems that start working after changing the 485 option, some needed to remove it, some needed to add it)
3. send the commna from the Netlinx "control device"
4. connect the device to my laptop send commnad via dos commnad:
open a cmd windows
write "mode com1:19200,N,8,1"
create a small text file with your command
send it to com1 like this:
"type poweron>com1"
There must be some serial utils to work with, but I am not familiar with them.
I don't like windows terminal..
good luck
I just put up a 47" and a 50" LG plasmas and am using the "old" protocol. The only difference is that I send it as a HEX code. But that should not be the problem.
SEND_STRING dvTV_22,"$6B,$61,$20,$30,$20,$31,$0D" // ON
SEND_STRING dvTV_22,"$6B,$62,$20,$30,$20,$30,$0D" // PC
Aren?t you getting any response from the plasma? You should get some ACK via notifications if the plasma is receiving anything.
I'll try every suggestions ... now I'm using IR with discrete inputs and power on - power off ...
But I must control via RS232!!!
Are there any freeware options?
You can always try
you may try to found the rs232 protocol manual first... and to find it you have to know or to give us the monitor name or reference
Model: 42LY3RF
Here's a good one.
Also Extron makes one too.
Have you tried turning the monitor on first, then sending commands to it while it's on? I've dealt with 2 LG monitors recently whose serial ports were partially shot - they would work as long as the monitor was on, but once I powered it down, it would not respond to a power on command.
Thanks for reply.
Yes, I tried ... really not working, I think the cable probably is wrong :S
"'ka 0 0',13". Only the power off worked ... I'll try when I can haha!
cable used:
to be continued ... lol