Q: IP-String with password
hi together
i have a problem to control a password protected device on ip.
when i control the device with my webbrowser so i must type in a
user and password. (it's not possible to deactivate this!).
now when i will control this device with ip-communication from my master, it doesn't work, because i don't know how must i send the login on ip.
is there anyone how can send me a hint?
thanks a lot
i have a problem to control a password protected device on ip.
when i control the device with my webbrowser so i must type in a
user and password. (it's not possible to deactivate this!).
now when i will control this device with ip-communication from my master, it doesn't work, because i don't know how must i send the login on ip.
is there anyone how can send me a hint?
thanks a lot
It also may work with ftp
AFAIK Internet Explorer doesn't support that any longer, but Opera browser will.
In what protocol does the device be controlled? http, telnet, any other ip port, etc? If you have to control it by http, I'm not sure if every http GET or SET must be sent with user/pass.
thanks for the answer.
i will it control by http. i will test your hint.
In what protocol does the device be controlled? http, telnet, any other ip port, etc? If you have to control it by http, I'm not sure if every http GET or SET must be sent with user/pass.[/QUOTE]
- Chip
thanks, yes the GET command is included.
- Chip
If you're just doing this to equipment on your private LAN, you can probably skip the 'Host: ' line. If you ever try to do this with a resource on the web, you'll need to include this. HostName is the same string you passed to IP_CLIENT_OPEN for the server address.
'Connection: close' is more for HTTP 1.1 compliance than anything else, but if you're making just a single request and not needing the connection beyond that, you'll want to include this. Some servers (Like the NetLinx master webserver) will leave the connection open and let it timeout if you don't include this line while making a HTTP 1.1 request.
The 'Authrization: Basic' is the one you're most concerned with. On this line, you need to include a Base64 encoded version of your username & password, seperated by a colon.
And no, I'm not going to tease you by letting you hang without a Base64 encoder block. That's in the next message.
Oh yeah, I include "crlf[2] = {$0D,$0A}" in DEFINE_CONSTANT in about 99 percent of my programs. It's just too damn handy.
- Chip
- Chip
yes, thanks very much. all working!
Thanks for the base64 function. This solved my issue with controlling an IP camera. We previously just displayed the image, and now they have full directional and preset control.
One caveat to using Base64 is that you really have to remember it's not a security encryption method. It's intent is to encode binary values in printable ASCII for things like e-mail. It can serve to obscure sensitive data, but as a widely known method, it's not very secure.
If you weren't using it for an authentification header, you could kind of roll your own by scrambling the character set in the lookup table. I'm sure any cryptologist worth his or her salt could crack it, but it would probably stymie most hackers just using any of the half-zillion base64 decoders out there. But, as I said elsewhere, if you still have to send it base64 somewhere along the line, it would be like locking the front door and leaving the back with just a hook latch.
In any case, here's an encoder and decoder for base64.
Thanks for this, Chip and Dave. It saves a few hours work coding and testing.