Metreau KP Engraving

in AMX Hardware
From what I understand - correct me if I'm wrong - we cannot get any custom engraving done on these keypads. For instance, a client would probably want "Rock" or "Classical" or "102.9 FM" engraved for their keypads - any idea where we could send these off to get engraved? I don't think AMX is doing it, so suggestions for a third-party company?
Keys included are:
MET-6N ->> Standard buttons include TUNER, DVD, MP3, SIRIUS, LIGHTS, and FAN
MET-7 ->> Standard buttons include TUNER, DVD, LIGHTS, FAN, BLINDS, DISPLAY and +/-
MET-13 ->> Standard buttons include 1-9, 0, ENTER, SAVE, and +/-
Additional button sets are available, let me check.
Also, if you can get a list of the buttons included with each kit (or a link to them on the AMX site), that would be great.
Sales Engineering sent me the following:
Find attached a table, which shows the standard buttons shipped with the different Metreau types.
In the right coloumn of the table you'll find the additional buttons available.
FG5797-10 is the bag with the buttons in small size
FG5797-11 is the bag with the buttons in large size
There is NO faceplate shipped with the Metreaus. The faceplates are - 1 Gang - 2 Gang - 3 Gang - 4 Gang - 5 Gang - 6 Gang
available in different colors.
I could order blanks and then get them engraved myself since AMX has decided to provide us with a product yet again that we cannot customize correct? Sort of ironic since this is a "custom" industry.
We'll probably never install these keypads again for that very reason. At least the ugly Gawd-awful Mio Classic/Elite/etc. can be engraved. *sigh*
Blanks - are going to be available, however, custom screenprinting is not available inhouse (I do not know of further plans)
additional buttons to come soon are On, Off, VCR, Play, REW, FFWD, CH+, CH-, Pause, PC2, Power, LPC (Laptop), LPC2 (Laptop2)
Sales rep is going to check again why you can order every button available cheaper individually then in the kit.
Kevin D.