PLEASE FIX ASAP - studio 2.7
Please tell me I'm missing something.
When I have a workspace already open and I NEED to open another workspace, it closes the original workspace but still keeps some of the original workspace files open. I'd like them to open in separate apps.
What happened to the FIND/REPLACE.
When I highlight a word and then select FIND and or REPLACE, the word should be placed in the FIND menu, ready to be searched.
Who is smoking what???? and why would these things get changed????
When I have a workspace already open and I NEED to open another workspace, it closes the original workspace but still keeps some of the original workspace files open. I'd like them to open in separate apps.
What happened to the FIND/REPLACE.
When I highlight a word and then select FIND and or REPLACE, the word should be placed in the FIND menu, ready to be searched.
Who is smoking what???? and why would these things get changed????
Not only does the Search/Replace dialog not automatically fill in your highlighted text anymore, but even if you cut-and-paste it yourself, the first search still finds the last value entered, not what you just pasted. Also, the "Start at top at first Find" does not work anymore. This is a feature I use extensively, and it is now hopelessly broken. I concur with GSLogic - this needs to be fixed and patched immediately; it is mind boggling that such bugs can even be introduced, let alone escaping testing.
I'm sticking with 2.6 for a while.
Ya'll don't miss anything...
V2.7 has a fix in it for problems when a user was double-clicking on AXS/AXI files not being opened properly. The residual effect is that any APW file that is being double-clicked on in explorer will try to load into the currently running NS2. The work-around is for the user to manually start multiple instances of NS2 to get the desired effect.
The Find/Replace dialogs became mode-less in V2.7, so losing the highlighted text to be placed into the dialog was inadvertently dropped.
I promise to clean my bong on a more regular basis.
I can understand what you mean, Look at the filled part not the empty part of the Cup, but we still need an immediate patch.
I just found this problem as well. I'm just as irritated as you. I did find that when you un-tick, then re-tick the "Start at top at first find" it works.
Thinking about downgrading. The new features aren't worth the hassle of functions that worked fine, but are now broke.
Is any one a beta tester here? I know you're not supposed to talk about it, but seriously - who are AMX's beta testers? Do they (AMX & beta testers) not pay attention? Does AMX select dealers that just give "good" feedback instead of dealers that want to help the company by giving constructive criticism? I would almost guarantee that if I was granted beta tester status along with a few other senior members here, that problems like this would NOT occur. I think it's time for an OPEN beta like what was done for Netlinx Studio a few revisions back. As far as things getting fixed? I have posted this elsewhere, but it's time for an updated version. I'd love to see AMX's explanation for putting silly useless programs in front of core tools.
Visual Architect
April 2006 - VA 1.0
June 2006 - VA 1.1
Sept 2006 - VA 1.2
July 2007 - VA 1.3
3 minor* builds in 14 months
NetLinx Studio
July 2004 - NS 2.2
March 2005 - NS 2.3
January 2006 - NS 2.4
August 2006 - NS 2.5
October 2007 - NS 2.6
May 2008 - NS 2.7
5 minor* builds in 46 months
I find no humor in this.
Can you PLEASE change the FIND and REPLACE searches back to the old style. I can't work having to type in the find feild menu everytime.
Why can't double clicking on a .APW file just open up a new app with the selected file?
However this is not an excuse for not being organized and releasing fair quality tools.
pardon me , But I wonder if the Big C has the same tools issue??
I'm just saying - it's either one of them, or both of them not doing their jobs.
As far as the Big C having issues - I'm sure they do, but I thought we were better than them in all respects. That is of course why we are dealers, no?
I Don't think so... I still have other AMX hardware and solution issues but this is not the time or place to discuss, I feel like going to be banned today
Don't worry, I found that piss funny.
Hey things happen, how many times have we all 'Fixed' something only to break something else. And these poor dudes and dudettes are dealing with a much larger codebase than we deal with on a daily basis.
Cut them some slack! I know this is a day to day tool that we have all become used to its functions and quirks and when something changes its OMGWTFXPWNTOESHAX!!!111oneeleven++ but really it isn't the end of the world.
PS: Thank F*** I can finally double click on .axs files and have them ACUTALLY load up in Netlinx Studio, don't know how long this has been pissing me off.
PPS: I hear tee tree oil works well....
Here's the scary thing . . . there were beta testers and other people within AMX testing this - and some of these issues stick out like a sore thumb. I compare this to having a kitchen touch panel control a master bedroom touch panel because the device addresses were backwards and it wasn't caught with the 2 weeks of testing. Unacceptable.
I don't want to change my thinking.
We are always inerested in BETA testers. AMX will always encourage your participation/feedback. If you are interested in previewing the next stable build of NetLinx Studio send a response via this forum. There will be development on the next gen of Studio during 4Q of this year. I will be glad to add you to the pool of beta testers.
Count me in.
When I installed 2.7 and rebooted, I got the Windows dialog that said 'System has recovered from a serious error'. I didn't realize it was talking about installing 2.7.
To check out the 5200i AWAKE & STANBY Data_Event handlers I undated to 2.7 and installed the new .371 firmware for my NI-4000 and everything just started getting weird. Button pushes don't work, the program doesn't retrieve the serial number at start up to allow my modules to work that I wrote to require S/N validation and I get memory errors in diagnostics during boot up which I didn't before.
My program file size is the same so I'm thinking the compiler is doing something different or something, I don't know. I did a clean disk and re-installed the previous firmware .354 and still insufficient memory.
I haven't added any code or done anything else that I think could be causing this type of problem other than changing to 2.7 and the firmware which I changed back so my next thought is to go back to the previous compiler in NS2 2.6 and give it a go. So where is it? I can't find it on the AMX site.
I just want to see the new awake and standby events not re-invent the systems, geez!
Well that didn't work :mad:
Did you try just removing AWAKE and STANDBY from your code? If you have the following, the BUTTON_EVENT won't fire:
If AWAKE and STANDBY are commented out then the BUTTON_EVENT fires as expected. I'm not surprised that the two new events don't work yet as they need firmware to support it but I was surprised to find that the existence of them in the program yields undesirable results.
a_riot42 wrote: I had to go back to non duet .148 and right now I'd be happy to get back to .354. I gotta go through the code and see if there's any I not seeing that could be contributing to my dilemma. Maybe my older 4000 was poisoned by 371 and is now slowly dying which is why I tried clean disc.
One step forward, 14 steps backwards.
I see the IP settings in the registry under the following branch:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AMX Corp.\NetLinx Studio\Default IP Settings
I would never recommend that anyone mess with the registry by exporting said branch from the registry (only the selected branch, not the entire registry), copying the exported branch .reg file to another computer and then import it into the registry by double clicking the .reg file. You?ll never catch me recommending that to anyone. Not in a million years because if anyone messes with the registry they could cause enough harm that might bring an end to civilization as we know it.
Running firmware .148, NS2 2.5 and no 5200i related code (data_event). With this setup code runs fine.
Since the underlying problem seems to be some memory issue I commented out some includes and their related dependent code to reduce file size down to around 1 meg.
re-compile/re-send and it loaded with out a problem.
Install firmware .371, re-compile/re-send. Loads with out a problem.
Open NS2 2.7, re-compile/re-send. Loads with out a problem.
Un-comment previously commented code. re-compile/re-send. Loads with out a problem.
Un-comment 5200i related code w/ data_event (w/ awake & standby). re-compile/re-send. Loads with out a problem but button pushes don't work right. Even though awake & standy are in TP_5's data_event for the 5200i, button pushes on TP_1 (MVP-8400) don't work right and quite possible all other TPs are affected.
Comment out awake & standby for TP_5 (5200i) data_event. re-compile/re-send. Loads with out a problem. All button pushes are back to normal.
The intial memory issues was probably do to my file size being to large to load the new firmware because it must need enough space for the new firmware, plus the old firmware and the running code. So my guess is between the 3 files I was slightly under the space requirement.
I loaded NS2 2.7 which is when I learned of the AWAKE & STANDBY Data_Event handlers and becasue of a subsequent post relating to this I upgraded firmware which I thought would permit this. Boy was I wrong.
What's that saying? Curiosity killed the cat. After this BS I wish someone would shoot me and end my curiosity.