Could someone running NS2 2.7 and firmware xxx.371 on a x000 master let me know if this still works. I'm no longer get anything and they worked fine prior to the above upgrades (degrades) and I find I'm now lockout out of my own modules.
GET_UNIQUE_ID() stills works but not GET_SERIAL_NUMBER(DEV,VAR).

I thought I read a while back that it?s possible for the serial number to get wiped out if you upgrade to DUET and then downgrade down to Non-DUET. I don?t know if that happened with only the early versions of DUET firmware or if I?m misremembering entirely but I?m fairly certain that was the case. Because of that I?ve always gone with GET_UNIQUE_ID().
Does the serial number show up in the web interface? (The web interface is SO SO SLOW (read as unusable) on my NI-700 even after adjusting the DUET memory)
Funny you should mention that GET_UNIQUE_ID() works because I?ve recently come across two NI-4100s running the latest DUET that sometimes reports the unique ID as all NULLS. If I reboot and ask again I?ll get the correct unique ID, very strange. I?ve been using GET_UNIQUE_ID() for years and never ran into this problem before.
When it happened on the first NI-4100 I thought there might possibly be something wrong with the Ethernet port since the unique ID equals the MAC ID. But now it?s happening on two NI-4100s so I?m beginning to wonder.
So if what your saying is still valid my master no longer has a serial number. Well that's dumb. Not you Joe but the fact that a master can loose it's serial number becasue of a firmware change.
Does this entitle me to a free master now? :rolleyes:
I tried to connect to the master web server but I got tired of waiting plus in the attemp my TPs fell offline cuz now my master locked up. You'd think I was connecting to a server in Siberia w/ a 1 kbps uplink rate.
Thinking back now I don?t think I read it anywhere. I?m pretty sure I heard it from Tech Support. DUET had just come out and I was considering upgrading my NI-700. Before I did, I called TS to ask if I could rollback out of DUET if I wanted. I think that?s when I was told I could but there was a possibility that the serial number may get wiped out. But like I said, don?t quote me on it.
If you want to view your serial number, load a small program and then telnet into the master and do a ?show log all.? One of the line items during boot-up lists the serial number.
I just did the "show log all" w/o loading a small program or booting and got back: I should have mentioned that in debug my serial number var has a length of 16, all nulls (decimal 0), 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0. It appears your recollection is spot on.
Well at least it's an easy number to remember! This all goes back to AWAKE & STANDBY, appears I dodged the bullet and the misery continues. I guess I should have asked what kind of a shot you are Joe.
So now I can buy modules for this my new serial number and on all masters I install in the future I'll load the duet firmware and then install an old non duet firmware to erase my serial number, then reload the duet version. Then all the master specific modules I buy can work on all the master. Cool. :cool:
Any body got modules they want to sell me for this serial number.
I?ve had a gun pulled on me but never the other way around so your guess is as good as mine. I do get a kick out of the game show Russian Roulette where a wrong answer can result in a contestant dropping out of sight via a trap door in the floor. Cracks me up every time.