So in short, I am guessing from what I am reading the new features are not worth the bugs that will be a result of installing and using the new version of netlinx studio. Can someone confirm?
IMHO, I'd say that's true.
I'm anxiously waiting for the revision of 2.7, at which point it will probably be good to install. The intentions and ideas were good for 2.7, it's just they fell short. I know AMX can correct the problems and they will - I haven't lost faith in AMX. Just a bump in the road that aggravated a good deal of programmers including myself.
My request for the 2.7 version is a combination between Netlinx studio and TPDesign so that it's easly to see witch buttons in de code are linked to a button in TPDesign. Maybe it's a tricky thing, but I think (as a newbie in the field) that is would be helpfull to keep your code clean and to speed up the coding.
AMX seems to have an unwritten policy not to speak of software updates and bug fixes until after the fact. They have no real issue releasing info on new products before they come out, but software you generally don't hear about until it's on the web site. I can't say I disagree with it either - it's asking for trouble releasing a tentative date for such things: someone, somewhere will yatch if it doesn't happen for unforeseen reasons, the word "tentative" notwithstanding. It's just less troublesome to present it as a fait accompli.
I just wrote a program that does this, but I'd like to have AMX add it to their list of things to do: have a APW / AXW manager. I keep all my projects in one directory on a particular drive; periodically I back up my files. I would like to be able to selected workspaces exported to the APW format (or ZIP - it's all the same) without having to do it through NetLinx Studio for gobs of workspaces. Just an idea to make it easier to back stuff up.
Off topic. - Sorry.
In regards to data backup we use a program called second copy from
We have 13 laptops all syncing with the server. It is very fast. We sync 20Gb in 30seconds.
I actually use Cobian 9 backup software, and it does a great job. I don't really want a "backup" solution, I want a way to batch export all of my projects. Until then, I'll just use my POS program I wrote - LOL!
Off topic. - Sorry.
In regards to data backup we use a program called second copy from
We have 13 laptops all syncing with the server. It is very fast. We sync 20Gb in 30seconds.
my guess is that you don't actually sync 20gb. You check 20gb worth of data, but the actual syncing will be much smaller (otherwise it would be interested in a PC/Laptop that can proces 20gb in 30 seconds )
Next release is planned for May 23 to fix the following:
'Find and Replace', 'DDEEXE' registry entry(MSOffice bug), Help File update, and 'Open Multiple Workspace support'
Doug Hall
AMX Product Management
I see I'm not the only one with trouble.
If those could get fixed, then work on these:
Monitoring strings/commands to IP devices would be dreamy!!! Especially now that IP to Serial RS-232 devices are becoming commonplace.
Event_Var!! Please!!!
Multiple instances of Studio is a MUST!!
Any chance of continuing or advancing support for NON-Duet firmware in the newer Masters? That would be nice.
And NO!! No!! I do NOT want one program for everything!!! If I did I'd use C's System Builder (And bring my computer to a grinding halt) or AMX's own VA (and effectively bring a grinding halt to my own productivity). Having a program for code and another for GUI is OK by me!!
Why did they change THIS??? I found this one out just now. I quite often will have multiple instances of Netlinx Studio running.
I also love how in the new-and-improved version, if you try to open another project it politely tries to transfer your Master Comm settings from the previously open project to the new one. In what universe is this a good idea?
Excuse the language, 2.7 sucks, im reading after trying to write code in it for the first time, if I I highlight a word and do ctrl+f (find/search) it goes crazy, ip information is not at the buttom right any more, multiple instances dont work, grrr had to redownload a older version from my phone shoulda read the posts before jumping the gun, hope they fix these
If AMX doesn't want to support IR edit (that's what I've been told), they should make a simple program that allows us to make our own .irl files by pasting the hex for the individual commands.... and also view the name and hex code of each individual code in an existing .irl file. I have never understood why there is no way to view the hex codes within an .irl file. Is the first rule of IREdit that we can't talk about IREdit?
Look, if the goal is to stop us from seeing vendor's IR codes, that's impossible. I'll just load my .irl file onto a master, fire the IR code into an RTI T2, and open RTI's IR code manager which allows me to view the hex. So you're causing your programmers inconvenience without preventing anything. It's lunacy.[/rant]
Why did they change THIS??? I found this one out just now. I quite often will have multiple instances of Netlinx Studio running.
I also love how in the new-and-improved version, if you try to open another project it politely tries to transfer your Master Comm settings from the previously open project to the new one. In what universe is this a good idea?
This just blows chunks...
this has something to do with you now being able to open a .axi file when you have NS open by doubleclicking on it
Excuse the language, 2.7 sucks, im reading after trying to write code in it for the first time, if I I highlight a word and do ctrl+f (find/search) it goes crazy, ip information is not at the buttom right any more, multiple instances dont work, grrr had to redownload a older version from my phone shoulda read the posts before jumping the gun, hope they fix these
It's like they just jumbled around the way it works. I've also found that the auto-fill (when you start typing in a variable name and it gives you a dropdown list of variables/commands/functions populates funny.
If there are only a couple options, it still tries to make a big list by repeating the choices over and over again.
It's like they just jumbled around the way it works. I've also found that the auto-fill (when you start typing in a variable name and it gives you a dropdown list of variables/commands/functions populates funny.
If there are only a couple options, it still tries to make a big list by repeating the choices over and over again.
Anyone know if NS 2.6 is available for download from some nook or cranny on AMX's website?
From what I've read in another thread, I believe the proper thing to do is to ask AMX tech support, and they can help you out.
I'm glad that I'm still using v2.5, even though I've got the v2.6 installer sitting here which I never got around to using. I learnt the hard way a while ago - hold onto your installers. I put mine in an "archive" folder (within my "installers" folder) when they are no longer the current version. I do the same with firmware updates as well.
From what I've read in another thread, I believe the proper thing to do is to ask AMX tech support, and they can help you out.
Yes. Call or email tech support, they SHOULD be willing to give you 2.6. As per our agreements with AMX when we download any software, we CANNOT share it, even if we're reps, dealers or anything else. It's just a no-no.
If AMX doesn't want to support IR edit (that's what I've been told), they should make a simple program that allows us to make our own .irl files by pasting the hex for the individual commands.... and also view the name and hex code of each individual code in an existing .irl file.
You can use IREdit to paste hex codes for individual commands by using ?Discrete IR Hex Codes?? under the Tools menu (or click on the binary icon).
You?re right, I don?t think you can view the hex codes with IREdit but there is a free utility posted on Remote Central called IR Lite. It?s an awesome light weight app that loads instantly and doesn?t require an install. You can use it to view all the commands in an irl file along with the channel numbers and hex codes. Great great program! :cool:
Thanks for the link Joe. I should point out that the Discrete IR Hex Code wizard is broken in the latest version of IR Edit, so that's not really an option for me at this point. It launches a big fat error at the step where you paste in your code. Tech Support is on it.
But, this is no longer relevant to NetLinx Studio, which is what this thread is about. I have also downgraded to 2.6. Sorry, I can't work with only one workspace at a time. I tried.
I dislike 2.7 as much as everyone, but if you load another instance of NS from the start menu and then load the workspace, you can have as many open as you want. You just can't double-click on a workspace file and have it open in a new window.
I think this roll out was an act of lunacy, before you know it we'll have non-working software and products promised in January that don't ship until May....oh wait a minute...
I dislike 2.7 as much as everyone, but if you load another instance of NS from the start menu and then load the workspace, you can have as many open as you want. You just can't double-click on a workspace file and have it open in a new window.
Kevin D.
This feature is the one that drives me crazy the most!
Try opening a Workscape with many includes open and then open another Workscape... I just want to be able to copy code from other Workscapes without closing the main Workscape. And I don't want to have to open another Netlinx app and navigate to my file.
While having a Workscape open and you double click a second Workscape, a new Netlinx app should open, if you double click any .axs/.axi file it should open in the active Netlinx. The Workscape should rule.
While having a Workscape open and you double click a second Workscape, a new Netlinx app should open, if you double click any .axs/.axi file it should open in the active Netlinx. The Workscape should rule.
Right! This was the way it was back in 2.5? 2.6 made clicking on a AXS/AXI impossible. 2.7 'fixed' that for us.
I hate having to open a new instance manually too, just some of the replies made it seem like it was impossible to have more then one open at a time.
Right! This was the way it was back in 2.5? 2.6 made clicking on a AXS/AXI impossible. 2.7 'fixed' that for us.
Kevin D.
It was impossible!
In previous versions, all you had to do was right click on the file and select Netlinx. Nice and simple!
Version 2.7 eliminated the above feature and added ???????? I'm not sure, I have windows opening and closing, popups asking if I want to close other windows, they can't find files, how many kids do I have, on and on.
Has anyone chosen the route where you use a third party editor and leave Netlinx Studio for compiling code only? I've been doing that to a point lately, so that I can keep one editor open with, say, my variables always visible and then edit the actual code or whatever in Studio. I find this works quite well. Of course, in this case, my variables (and constants) are in include files so I'm not working on the same file in two different editors. But with all the issues growing around Studio, I don't have any of these issues. I am also still working with 2.6 as well, which helps.
I sure wish that there was a command line compiler then my life would be even better.
In case your wondering, I use EditPadPro as my text editor. It is very nice for these sorts of files.
I'm anxiously waiting for the revision of 2.7, at which point it will probably be good to install. The intentions and ideas were good for 2.7, it's just they fell short. I know AMX can correct the problems and they will - I haven't lost faith in AMX. Just a bump in the road that aggravated a good deal of programmers including myself.
Anyone knows if the fix is coming out today?
AMX seems to have an unwritten policy not to speak of software updates and bug fixes until after the fact. They have no real issue releasing info on new products before they come out, but software you generally don't hear about until it's on the web site. I can't say I disagree with it either - it's asking for trouble releasing a tentative date for such things: someone, somewhere will yatch if it doesn't happen for unforeseen reasons, the word "tentative" notwithstanding. It's just less troublesome to present it as a fait accompli.
In regards to data backup we use a program called second copy from
We have 13 laptops all syncing with the server. It is very fast. We sync 20Gb in 30seconds.
my guess is that you don't actually sync 20gb. You check 20gb worth of data, but the actual syncing will be much smaller
Your correct!!
5-29-2008, and still no JOY!
Previous Quote:
I see I'm not the only one with trouble.
If those could get fixed, then work on these:
Monitoring strings/commands to IP devices would be dreamy!!! Especially now that IP to Serial RS-232 devices are becoming commonplace.
Event_Var!! Please!!!
Multiple instances of Studio is a MUST!!
Any chance of continuing or advancing support for NON-Duet firmware in the newer Masters? That would be nice.
And NO!! No!! I do NOT want one program for everything!!! If I did I'd use C's System Builder (And bring my computer to a grinding halt) or AMX's own VA (and effectively bring a grinding halt to my own productivity). Having a program for code and another for GUI is OK by me!!
And I think IREdit is actually beyond repair.
Thank you.
Why did they change THIS??? I found this one out just now. I quite often will have multiple instances of Netlinx Studio running.
I also love how in the new-and-improved version, if you try to open another project it politely tries to transfer your Master Comm settings from the previously open project to the new one. In what universe is this a good idea?
This just blows chunks...
Look, if the goal is to stop us from seeing vendor's IR codes, that's impossible. I'll just load my .irl file onto a master, fire the IR code into an RTI T2, and open RTI's IR code manager which allows me to view the hex. So you're causing your programmers inconvenience without preventing anything. It's lunacy.[/rant]
this has something to do with you now being able to open a .axi file when you have NS open by doubleclicking on it
It's like they just jumbled around the way it works. I've also found that the auto-fill (when you start typing in a variable name and it gives you a dropdown list of variables/commands/functions populates funny.
If there are only a couple options, it still tries to make a big list by repeating the choices over and over again.
So you might see somehting like:
This is a really strange program roll-out.
Man o man,
I had to ditch the whole thing. I reverted back to 2.6.
I don't even know what to say. I couldn't get any work done with 2.7.
The straw that broke the camels back for me was copy/paste seems to be goofy.
I hope there's nothing vital that's needed in 2.7. I'll wait for 2.8.
This was actually the first quirk I noticed. I think it has to do with arrays.
For instance if I have:
non_Volatile Integer Power[6]
And I go to type the word Power, it seems that 6 instances of Power appear in the auto-complete.
Yeah not awful but annoying!!
But the Find/Replace problem is a real show stopper!!
From what I've read in another thread, I believe the proper thing to do is to ask AMX tech support, and they can help you out.
I'm glad that I'm still using v2.5, even though I've got the v2.6 installer sitting here which I never got around to using. I learnt the hard way a while ago - hold onto your installers. I put mine in an "archive" folder (within my "installers" folder) when they are no longer the current version. I do the same with firmware updates as well.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
Just having fun, but . . where was the beginning of the rant?
You?re right, I don?t think you can view the hex codes with IREdit but there is a free utility posted on Remote Central called IR Lite. It?s an awesome light weight app that loads instantly and doesn?t require an install. You can use it to view all the commands in an irl file along with the channel numbers and hex codes. Great great program! :cool:
Attached is a screen shot.
And here?s the link:
But, this is no longer relevant to NetLinx Studio, which is what this thread is about. I have also downgraded to 2.6. Sorry, I can't work with only one workspace at a time. I tried.
Kevin D.
I think this roll out was an act of lunacy, before you know it we'll have non-working software and products promised in January that don't ship until May....oh wait a minute...
Try opening a Workscape with many includes open and then open another Workscape... I just want to be able to copy code from other Workscapes without closing the main Workscape. And I don't want to have to open another Netlinx app and navigate to my file.
While having a Workscape open and you double click a second Workscape, a new Netlinx app should open, if you double click any .axs/.axi file it should open in the active Netlinx. The Workscape should rule.
Right! This was the way it was back in 2.5? 2.6 made clicking on a AXS/AXI impossible. 2.7 'fixed' that for us.
I hate having to open a new instance manually too, just some of the replies made it seem like it was impossible to have more then one open at a time.
Kevin D.
In previous versions, all you had to do was right click on the file and select Netlinx. Nice and simple!
Version 2.7 eliminated the above feature and added ???????? I'm not sure, I have windows opening and closing, popups asking if I want to close other windows, they can't find files, how many kids do I have, on and on.
I sure wish that there was a command line compiler then my life would be even better.
In case your wondering, I use EditPadPro as my text editor. It is very nice for these sorts of files.
Sheldon Samuels