String Output and Command Output

When working with the design of touchpanels, under the Programming tab for the slected button, there are two boxes, one for String Output and one for Command Output. I looked it up in the Help file with TPD4 and it says, "Specify the output string (or command) sent to the master on button push." What the help file doesn't do is gave an example. What would be an example where this would be used? Could the commands or stirngs written in the code for the PUSH event go here?
button string output set to 'he pushed the red one'
So, in the program you could have a
The same would be true for Command, but you'd have a COMMAND: section instead of a STRING section.. (there's a musical joke here that I'll just lightly step over and ignore...)
hope that helps
You can also program a button to send a command to port 0 as an internal command to the panel. In most cases it will behave as if the send command came from the master.