The NetLinx Studio 2.8 Beta is now open
NetLinx Studio v2.8 is now available as a BETA release. If you are interested please contact to get a copy of this build.
I am interested in any and all feedback you have to offer. All of which I will share with the developers.
In this build you will find the 'Find and Replace' and AutoSuggest issues which were reported in the 2.7 build have been fixed.
We apologize for your inconvenience and really appreciate your patience and candor.
Release Notes: NetLinx Studio 2
Version......: V2.8
Build........: 282
Date.........: 9/3/2008
What's New for NetLinx Studio 2 - Version 2.8
FEATURE - File transfer support for devices that have STANDBY and AWAKE
states (MVP-5200i).
**************************** SPECIAL NOTE ********************************
You must have the latest firmware versions for your NetLinx masters before
you can use the device feature listed above. Versions greater than 387
are recommended. Unpredictable results may occur if your master firmware
has not been updated to the proper version.
BUG FIX - Yet more corrections on reported problems to the Find and
Find/Replace modeless dialogs.
BUG FIX - The problem with AutoSuggest presenting dulicate and truncated
entries has been corrected.
I am interested in any and all feedback you have to offer. All of which I will share with the developers.
In this build you will find the 'Find and Replace' and AutoSuggest issues which were reported in the 2.7 build have been fixed.
We apologize for your inconvenience and really appreciate your patience and candor.
Release Notes: NetLinx Studio 2
Version......: V2.8
Build........: 282
Date.........: 9/3/2008
What's New for NetLinx Studio 2 - Version 2.8
FEATURE - File transfer support for devices that have STANDBY and AWAKE
states (MVP-5200i).
**************************** SPECIAL NOTE ********************************
You must have the latest firmware versions for your NetLinx masters before
you can use the device feature listed above. Versions greater than 387
are recommended. Unpredictable results may occur if your master firmware
has not been updated to the proper version.
BUG FIX - Yet more corrections on reported problems to the Find and
Find/Replace modeless dialogs.
BUG FIX - The problem with AutoSuggest presenting dulicate and truncated
entries has been corrected.
Find / Replace appears to be fixed, so that's good.
Also, another potential problem would be the overwriting of the registry keys; probably not a great idea to try and run them side by side.I never thought about running them side by side, but for some reason I don't think you'll be able to.
After just using it for a few hours last night, not really getting into it - it appears stable. But still, that's first glance.
The search, replace and multiple vars issues seemed to be resolved.
Now to find what has been broken, that is the hard part.
Can't believe how good it is to find/replace again!!!!!!!!
I was even thinking about lowering my hour rate now that i can Find/Replace faster... naaaaa!
Small suggestions:
1. when searching, can you have the enter key invoke the Find Next instead of CLOSE.
2. when you open Find you should highlight the input text box, as of now when you start typing it's focused on the Find window buttons.
First let me say that I'm running on Vista, so YMMV, but could someone (regardless of OS) test what I'm seeing?
Search - still not 100%, but closER.
1) I double click the word cable on line 136 and search for the word "cable". I have "Start at Top on First Find" and "Loop Around" ticked.
2) I hit "Find Next", it does nothing. I hit it again, it works and starts finding the next "cable" instance. I do this until I get to line 343. There is another instance of this word on 342.
3) I close out the Search dialog.
4) I put my cursor on line 340.
5) I reopen it using CTRL+F, click "Find Next", and it jumps to line 342, and not 136 where the first instance of this word is, even though I have "Start at Top on First Find."
When I chose a new word, all works fine, until I search for that word multiple times, in which case it starts the search from where I left my cursor. Unticking, and reticking "Start at Top on First Find" fixes it in terms of wanting it to actually work the way it's supposed to, and that is searching from the top.
Okay, now onto Replace.
- Same problem with the search portion as above.
- When selecting multiple lines and then opening up the "Replace" function (and "Search" function as well), it copies the entire first line into the "search" portion of box. I don't remember "Replace" doing this before; I thought it would display the last item used in the "Replace" box; but do recall "Search" doing this.
- Wasn't Search and Replace both modal? Not sure if I like it not being modal anymore. Any reason as to why this was changed?
- After doing a replace within "Selection" (not "Whole File"), it unselects what was selected - did this happen before in 2.6? I don't recall, but I don't think so.
Anyway, that's what I've found with search and replace, which I'm assuming has had the most work. Like I said, it's close - but not to 2.6 standards. I'm actually using this out on a job site, and it's holding up - so that's fine with me. Search / Replace are still quite annoying but . . . at least it functions for the most part,.
Thanks for the details you have provided on this issue James. I will forward the details to the software engineers for review.
Here's something that has annoyed me for the longest time, and certainly should be classified as a bug.
- Open up a workspace.
- Save a new revision of some code you've got, using the "Save File Revision" tool / wizard. Update the revision, giving it a new name. I typically use "Client_Name, Date, Rev x."
- Open your Workspace Window, right click on the "Source" folder, and select "Add Existing Source File..."
- If you went from Rev. 1 to Rev. 2, try to add Rev. 1.
- NS will not allow you to add Rev. 1 because "it is already a part of this system."
Could someone check with 2.6 to see if when selecting multiple lines before you use Replace if it automatically uses the "Selection" radio and not the "Whole File" radio?
Yes, it does automatically choose "Selection".
I call it a bug since it doesn't act the way it always has.
This should definetely be this way when something is already selected if not the default no matter if something is selected or not. IMHO.
First, I agree that it should automatically start with selection.
Second, was this a find/replace that prevented automated recovery? My first choice would be to do a find/replace that undoes what I just did.... but I understand that some times that is not possible because of what it was changed to. My second choice would be CTRL-Z .... but then again, I'm not sure how many actions you can undo
Oh - I know how it goes; being busy is a great problem to have!
Trying to get a room thrown together for a client to watch TV - and of course this sprung up on me at the last minute . . . and it's a three hour drive home. Ugh.
<crying like a little girl> Without mincing words, I think this unwanted crippling blows major colossal chunks. I don?t understand why we?re not allowed to; for example, transfer a CV5 or a CV10 into a CV17 anymore. We use to be able to transfer any smaller G4 resolution panel file into any larger G4 resolution panel for developing and testing purposes (excluding R-4 remotes from the discussion all together.)
The reasoning for the limitation doesn?t appear to be ? at least from an outsider looking in POV ? due to panel firmware restrictions as I?m still doing it now since I haven?t ?upgraded? NS2 above 2.5 yet. <ridiculously high drama>Why oh why did you do this to us AMX?</ ridiculously high drama>
I wonder what the results would be of a poll asking who likes this ?new feature?, who doesn?t care about it either way, and who thinks it absolutely sucks. </crying like a little girl>
It?s time for me to accept the decision from the powers that be and move on with the rest of my regularly scheduled life?
Apologies for the tiny thread drift.
The find and find replace default button <enter/return> used to be 'Find Next'
The way I used to use it was to highlight a word, hit cntl-F and then start banging on the Enter key until I got the one I wanted. Now, the default is close. So what happens is ou highlight the word, and bang on the key and you just close the search window and (if you don't catch yourself) add in CR/LFs to the code.
No biggie, I personally like staying on the keyboard for this myself. I can click the key faster than the mouse button.
I like your use of XML Joe, is there a published syntax I can use for future markups?
I absolutely second this one. I like the idea of a "filter" to change what is shown in the transfer dialog, but restricting what can be sent (not having a "show all" option) is terrible. Sniff sniff.
My guess is that this was put into place because of either actual or perceived potential for problems by less experienced (feel free to insert adjective of choice) dealers. If this is in fact the case, maybe they could allow the program to normally run with restrictions that are designed to make the software idiot-proof and then add a password protected option to unlock the software. The password to unlock the software requires Programmer 3 certification... or incurs $150/hr tech support fees for problems related to locked features if the dealer is not Programmer 3 certified? This is of course only the beginning of a properly thought out idea, but it might be a start
One thing I would caution AMX about if this was done to make the products more idiot-proof.... just remember that as soon as you make something idiot-proof, a new and better class of idiot appears
I applaud all those that took it upon themselves to Beta test 2.8. I wish I had that kind of patience (well and time)...
But I'm going to stick with 2.6 a little longer. I just don't understand what was wrong in the FIND/REPLACE process in 2.6 to necessitate the MAJOR malfunctioning change in 2.7 and still not be where it needs to be 2.8.... I'd probably die without working FIND/REPLACE.
And I also agree with Joe. I've never understood why they changed the whole "load only to panels with like resolutions" thing. I used a few files from NXT-CV10's loaded on to NXT-1200's and then simply moved the buttons to where I needed them. So much faster tahn converting and dealing with unwanted (or unforeseen) scaling issues. I'd like that back, but I'm not as dramatic about it as you. Perhaps I should be.....
Thanks again for the heads-up on 2.8