i!-time manager

I tried to insert i!-Time Manager in my program without succes.
I tried to run it in a new empty axs file to know it it works but I got no succes too.
I f somebody can help me?
Follow, is the axs file with I tried do work
With tis code I get this error
If I try to build system or compile the module itself I get this error
I tried to insert i!-Time Manager in my program without succes.
I tried to run it in a new empty axs file to know it it works but I got no succes too.
I f somebody can help me?
Follow, is the axs file with I tried do work
PROGRAM_NAME='Time manager' (***********************************************************) (***********************************************************) (* FILE_LAST_MODIFIED_ON: 04/05/2006 AT: 09:00:25 *) (***********************************************************) (* System Type : NetLinx *) (***********************************************************) (* REV HISTORY: *) (***********************************************************) (* $History: $ *) (***********************************************************) (* DEVICE NUMBER DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_DEVICE vdvTmEvents = 33001:1:0 dvTmTimeSync = 0:3:0 (***********************************************************) (* CONSTANT DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_CONSTANT (***********************************************************) (* DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_TYPE (***********************************************************) (* VARIABLE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_VARIABLE (* Timezone *) CHAR dTmTzName[100] CHAR dTmTzDesc[10] DOUBLE dTmTzGmtOffset CHAR strTmTzDstRules[1000] (* Location *) CHAR strTmLocName[100] DOUBLE dTmLocLong DOUBLE dTmLocLat (* Timeserver *) INTEGER nTmTsProtocol INTEGER nTmTsCheckTime CHAR strTmTsServer[100] (***********************************************************) (* LATCHING DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_LATCHING (***********************************************************) (* MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE (***********************************************************) (* SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) (* EXAMPLE: DEFINE_FUNCTION <RETURN_TYPE> <NAME> (<PARAMETERS>) *) (* EXAMPLE: DEFINE_CALL '<NAME>' (<PARAMETERS>) *) (***********************************************************) (* STARTUP CODE GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_START DEFINE_MODULE 'i!-TimeManagerMod' mdlTm(vdvTmEvents, dvTmTimeSync, dTmTzName, dTmTzDesc, dTmTzGmtOffset, strTmTzDstRules, strTmLocName, dTmLocLong, dTmLocLat, nTmTsProtocol, nTmTsCheckTime, strTmTsServer) (***********************************************************) (* THE EVENTS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_EVENT (***********************************************************) (* THE ACTUAL PROGRAM GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_PROGRAM (***********************************************************) (* END OF PROGRAM *) (* DO NOT PUT ANY CODE BELOW THIS COMMENT *) (***********************************************************)
With tis code I get this error
Starting NetLinx Compile - Version[] [10-29-2008 12:02:09]
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.axs
ERROR: C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.tko(0): L20222: i!-TimeManagerMod.tko is not a valid module
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.axs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
NetLinx Compile Complete [10-29-2008 12:02:10]
If I try to build system or compile the module itself I get this error
Starting NetLinx Compile - Version[] [10-29-2008 12:57:23]
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Modules\i!-TimeManagerModTest.axs
ERROR: C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Modules\i!-TimeManagerModTest.tko(0): L20203: Circular reference for module name [i!-TimeManagerModTest] while processing module [i!-TimeManagerMod.tko]
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Modules\i!-TimeManagerModTest.axs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
NetLinx Compile Complete [10-29-2008 12:57:24]
Starting NetLinx Compile - Version[] [10-29-2008 12:57:24]
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.axs
ERROR: C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.tko(0): L20222: i!-TimeManagerMod.tko is not a valid module
C:\Documents and Settings\Denis\Bureau\AMX test\Time manager.axs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
NetLinx Compile Complete [10-29-2008 12:57:25]
>>>>--- NetLinx Compiles: 2 Files 2 Total Error(s) 0 Total Warnings(s) ---<<<<
Thanks guy!
Now the compilator dosen't error messages, but the module seem to dosen't works.
I read in an other post, as I need a DNS address, somebody know how I can do that if I don't have a DNS server?
My goal is to set an automaic DST feature in the program. I bid on a new job where the client ask to me if he will can set an alarm clock with tuner and opening curtains. ( and I told yes
Now I have to build an alarm clock. Due to my lack of experience it's a chalenge each time as I program a new system.
Welcome in this wonderful word of automation!
When you compile and upload a new program enable "Diagnostics" as soon as you can. You'll have to keep trying until you can connect in order to see the start up sequences and at some point you should see the attemp to connect and retrieve data from the NTP server. If you're having DNS issues it will say that it is unable to resolve DNS name or something to that affect. Either way watch the diagnostics and see what happens.
There's also i! Scheduler that alot of folks use to schedule events which may already include the time manager features and also provide you with the scheduling features you need for the alarm clock and shades. I've never used it but some here on the forum have to controll HVAC, lighting and I would imagine audio for alarm clock type feature like you desire.
If you have the time I would recommend writing your own code to handle the scheduling since it isn't all thast difficult, just time consuming.