What tools do you use for UI?

Just wanted to get input from the experienced guys out there...
What tools do you use to create your buttons, animations, backgrounds and other goodies for your TPs?
What tools do you use to create your buttons, animations, backgrounds and other goodies for your TPs?
I do all my work in Photoshop.
Paint Shop Pro
and believe or not,
my most valuable graphics tool: PowerPoint
It's funny how some of the most basic inexpensive
tools can end up being the most useful & valuable.
Paint Shop Pro
Take a look at www.ground-z.org/design.html. There are some interesting graphic tools, especially the 3D Button Creator.
- GuiFX Copilot, especially its Logo Toos (saves so much time when flawlesly converting white background to transparency especially for TV stations). Unfortunately only free for personal use.
- Maptunes Damage Control - Makes such a difference when optimizing gradients. (I am sure everybody has had the zebra gradients on low colour depth panels). And this one is Unlimited Free Trial (Nag Screen)