Trouble capturing IR with IRIS: Ambery CATV tuner LCDT5, CR-16 remote
I've run into this once before. I called AMX and they walked me through putting the IRIS into a special mode to capture tricky IR. Now I don't remember, and can't find any notes on what I did. I bet the info is here on the forum somewhere, but I couldn't seem to come up with the relevant search term to find it. Can anyone help me out? Either a pointer to the instructs if you know it, or an IR file for this critter if you happen to have one?
Or you can find the same info in the IRIS manual which can be found here:
1) Try to be a certain as possible you are holding the button down for less than a second, and for as exactly the same length of time as humanly possible. A quick, solid push seems to be the best ... hold it too long, and it may start repeating, which the IRIS doesn't handle well. Too quick, and it may capture but still be wrong.
2) If the above doesn't fly, many remotes have a parity bit (most notoriously Marantz). That means every other push is different. So, hit the button once, aim it away from the IRIS and hit it again, then point it back at the IRIS for the confirmation push.
I haven't needed special mode in years ... the above almost always do the job for me.
Thanks all!
I could always go with a cheap composite-out tuner and a scaler, I just hate using 2 devices for 1 function. Anybody got recommendations on an inexpensive CATV tuner with XGA output that is known to work (IR, serial, I don't care) with AMX equipment?