New Keyword Wish

I have been thinking of a new keyword/arithmetic/logic comparison request...
I'd like something like equals_with_strength.
The idea is you could do a comparison of two strings with the 'strength of match' in play.
For example
cTEXT_Incoming // a string coming in from something...
Let cTEXT_Incoming='ABCDEF'
This is an exact char for char match in the correct order with no extra chars. So, the result would be 100%
Let cTEXT_Incoming='ABCdef'
cText_1 matches on 3 occasions 'ABC' and kinda matches on 'DEF' (2nd variable is lowercase) So, it would return a match strength of say 90%
Let cTEXT-_Incoming='abcdef'
Then the return could be 80%. same letter in same order but all lower case
Let cTEXT-_Incoming='ACEFBD'
then the return could be 50% since it contalns all the chars but in the wrong order.
I kinda making up the percentages but I think you get the drift.
There is actually a reason for wanting this.
(and yes, I know I could write it myself...)
I'd like something like equals_with_strength.
The idea is you could do a comparison of two strings with the 'strength of match' in play.
For example
cTEXT_Incoming // a string coming in from something...
Let cTEXT_Incoming='ABCDEF'
This is an exact char for char match in the correct order with no extra chars. So, the result would be 100%
Let cTEXT_Incoming='ABCdef'
cText_1 matches on 3 occasions 'ABC' and kinda matches on 'DEF' (2nd variable is lowercase) So, it would return a match strength of say 90%
Let cTEXT-_Incoming='abcdef'
Then the return could be 80%. same letter in same order but all lower case
Let cTEXT-_Incoming='ACEFBD'
then the return could be 50% since it contalns all the chars but in the wrong order.
I kinda making up the percentages but I think you get the drift.
There is actually a reason for wanting this.
(and yes, I know I could write it myself...)
You'd have to modify it quite a bit to get what I'm looking for.
For example I'll create it for what I had in mind.
Let's say I'm doing cable channel lineups and the string from the XML file is
2 ABC-WCBD Charleston
and I had my own data matrix that was storing it.
But next week the string said someting like
4 WCBD-HD Count On 2HD - meaning that WCBD was now on cable channel 4 and the label had changed
I still want to be able to have some way of finding it without regard to what they chose to call it this week.
In my example I could have a strength match since both strings still contain WCBD and '2' and still get the routine to fire and load in the new channel number.
It's more of a Constraint Database and Constraint Query Language, I think...