Zigbee Gateway Lockups

in AMX Hardware
A client of ours has a zigbee gateway that on a regular basis locks up. a reboot is the only way out.
in his situation the R4 remote, which connects to the gateway, can be out of range for a long period (couple of days, a week). it SEEMS that this could have something to do with it. When the remote comes into range again it often won't connect, ever, not even after being for hours within range . A 'site survey' from the R4 shows no network. rebooting the R4 does nothing. When opening the web page for the gateway, al seems normal, there is just no connection. in the connection log there are only the normal connnect/disconnect messages nothing about buffer overflows or something else. (the amount of feedback going to the R4 is very, very minimal). All components use the latest (as per 30 dec 2008) firmware.
After rebooting the gateway the connection is restored instantly, every time, with connection quality 'perfectly'.
This is the only R4 i used (with no intention to use more...), so i can't rely on experience. I saw "turnip truck" bringing this up a couple of months ago, but nothing really came out of that.
Has someone expierenced this behaviour before? Ideas how to solve it? Or as a temp workaround, how to reboot the gateway from code?
To all in this forum: a very happy newyear!
A client of ours has a zigbee gateway that on a regular basis locks up. a reboot is the only way out.
in his situation the R4 remote, which connects to the gateway, can be out of range for a long period (couple of days, a week). it SEEMS that this could have something to do with it. When the remote comes into range again it often won't connect, ever, not even after being for hours within range . A 'site survey' from the R4 shows no network. rebooting the R4 does nothing. When opening the web page for the gateway, al seems normal, there is just no connection. in the connection log there are only the normal connnect/disconnect messages nothing about buffer overflows or something else. (the amount of feedback going to the R4 is very, very minimal). All components use the latest (as per 30 dec 2008) firmware.
After rebooting the gateway the connection is restored instantly, every time, with connection quality 'perfectly'.
This is the only R4 i used (with no intention to use more...), so i can't rely on experience. I saw "turnip truck" bringing this up a couple of months ago, but nothing really came out of that.
Has someone expierenced this behaviour before? Ideas how to solve it? Or as a temp workaround, how to reboot the gateway from code?
To all in this forum: a very happy newyear!
like i wrote: the firmware on the devices is up-to-date. There is no WiFi network active. I do not have a 2.4GHz analyzer, but something like NetStumbler shows nothing.
Lockups seems to occur after brief AC power interruptions. A power cycle of 5+ seconds seems to always bring it back online.
Sounds like it's time for an UPS...
Netstumbler will only find 802.11 access points, it won't find cordless phones, leaky microwaves, or any other RF signal stepping on the bandwidth.
I know. you have to work with what you got. :-( . Although i keep an open mind about it, my first thoughts were not about 2.4 GHz interference. I can use the remote for days on end with connection quality 'excellent' and no hick-ups whatsoever.
The problem seems to occur after the R4 has been out of range for a 'longer time'. If i bring it back into range it often won't reconnect, period. Reboot the gateway (through the webinterface) and it immediately connects, with quality 'excellent'.
If this was a RF bandwidth problem than why:
- while the R4 is connected to the gateway, it works without problems.
- when it won't connect, it really won't: i can leave it for days 10 cm's away from the gateway, but it will not connect.
- if I reboot the gateway after the R4 has been unable to connect, it instantly works fine.
It could be that the gateway 'locks up' in the presence of RF content, but that doesn't seem likely (?)
Probably the best solution is to dump the R4 and go with something wired.....
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.
When this happens can you still log into the webinterface? or has it locked up completely?
im my case i can still use the webinterface.