Changing Range High value of general button at run-time.

Does anyone know how to change the Range High value of a general button at run-time? I tried ^GLH but that only works for bargraphs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The bargraph has a fixed amount of states and as the program runs the images for each state changes (^BMP) along with the upper limit of the bargraph (^GLH). When I change the upper limit of the bargraph I also need to change the high range of the general buttons so ramping stays in sync but I can?t find a command to do that. None of the embedded codes for ^BMF apply. There seems to be a command to change just about anything except for the low and high ranges of a general button.
So anyway I?ve abandoned the idea of changing the high range at run-time since I don?t think I can and instead effectively clamp the high range by trapping for the level event in code and do a SEND_LEVEL max if max is exceeded. It?s not exactly the way I wanted to do it but it?s working perfectly fine so I?m happy.
Does that send levels back to the master? If so how does it do the incrementing or decrementing w/o knowing the current level value? I've never seen a way to adjust levels in code with a relative feature that allows you to increment or decrement so it doesn't seem like the TP should be able to but you obviously have that part working. Hmmm..
I don?t know how it does it but it does do it. It?s magically delicious?.
I tried to use this feature and ran into the same wall as you.
After much fiddling about a phone call to tech support revealed that it does not work on buttons and is not meant to!
I asked if it could be implemented, maybe if you asked too it would add more weight?
...about not smoking.