Nyko BlueWave PS3 IR DOngle

We have one of these installed but we are having an issue with the commands doubling.
Here is the code that I am using to try and control the device.
I have tried setting CTON, CTOF from the ranges of 0-5 with no luck.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Here is the code that I am using to try and control the device.
Data_Event[dvPS3] { Send_Command dvPS3,"'SET MODE IR'" Send_Command dvPS3,"'CTON',0" Send_Command dvPS3,"'CTOF',0" } Send_Command dvPS3,"'CP',<IR COMMAND>"
I have tried setting CTON, CTOF from the ranges of 0-5 with no luck.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Your IR emitter is probably too close to the IR receiver and flooding it, or is getting a second reflection or something similar. Could also be the button event code is duplicated. Are you getting only one button push in Notifications?
I have fixed it by doing away with the send_command dvDev,"'CP',<IR CHANNEL>"
And used the follwoing:
It is working fine now