Iport Netlinx module
I've searched in forum but I couldn't find a clear answer.
A costumer said that his system is slow, after some tests we've seen that without the Iport duet module everything goes fine.
Where can I find the netlinx module?
Thank you
A costumer said that his system is slow, after some tests we've seen that without the Iport duet module everything goes fine.
Where can I find the netlinx module?
Thank you
You have to be a "dealer" to login. You can also apply on this page.
The only problem I have with this module is that you need a TP port for each iPort installed which is over kill since 1 TP can only access 1 iPort at a time.
You can find the module on the AMX site by searching Iport for model and Sonance for manufacturer. Click on link and go to downloads.
If you don't want to apply... the password is pretty predictable
A quick note, I was unable to get two way communication with a Sonance FS-5 dock. Communication each way worked, but the dock would not respond to button presses on the touch panel.
I checked all the normal stuff like firmware and downloaded all the modules from Sonance and from AMX.
I hooked up the dock to C***tron processor, and that worked OK.
I tried different ports on the AMX NI-3100, even hooked the NI-3100 to my PC to watch what was coming out.
All this looked OK, so I called tech support.
I was told that sometimes the RS-232 port on the Advanced Connection Box doesn't work. The solution is to hook it up through the wall plates(the serial passes through the Audio connections).
This worked!!!
Any guesses why the C***tron processor can talk directly to the Advanced Connection Box and the AMX can't? I'm curious if anybody can figure it out.
You can just view the page source of the website for the password. They use to have the password in plain-text, now a javascript function converts the login to decimal and checks against the hard-coded value.
function resolve(thresh){var p = [105, 112,111,114,116,50,51,50];var j = "";for(i=0;i<p.length;i++){j += String.fromCharCode(p);}}
Password Hint: 105 112 111 114 116 50 51 50
Touch?, Joe.
I'm not able to use the Sonance iPort Module v3.2 which I downloaded from www.iPortmusic.com.
There is no data showing in the playlist of the R4(iPort Menu Page of R4). When I change the port on the R4. If we are using the default port which is 1 then it works. I would like to use another port instead of 1 as I have already used for other purpose
1) I created two virtual device as I ?m using port no. 20 instead of port 1(by default).
vdvR4_A_1 = 33020:1:0
vdvR4_A_iPort = 33020:20:0 //virtual device for R4 port controlling the iPort
2) I included vdvR4_A_iPort in
VOLATILE DEV devIPORT_TPs1[] = {dvTP_MVP8400,dvTP_CV10,vdvR4_A_iPort,dvDMS1,dvDMS 2,dvTP_G3,dvTPLibraryiPort,dvTPDrawingiPort} //iPort Control UI Devices for first iPort - notice the R4's Virtual Device
3) I included vdvR4_A_1 in
DEFINE_MODULE 'AMX_R4_Comm_Mod' mdlAMX_R4_Comm_Mod_A (vdvR4_A_1,dvMIO_R4) //Module Definition for R4 A
4) The below step is not mentioned in the doc along with the module. In the module it has been asked to do so. Please confirm if this step is required.
I changed the value of nR4_DMS_PORT1 = 20 // Port in use for the R4 or the DMS for the first iPort - change this to match the Channel and Address port used on the R4 or the DMS. // I also kept is as the default port and also tried
One thing i have noticed is that iPort Menu page is a list page which i cannot edit.
Please tell me whether i have to do anything else.
The most common reason for feedback not working is that you skipped the button press that tells the module your panel is not trying to interact with the iPort. By default, it's button channel 142 to turn feedback on, and 143 to turn it off. You really want to use these to limit the traffic when the iPort isn't actually being used. It's not a port issue unless you have something else switched around; I never use them on port 1, and have used that module successfully many times.
You don't want to edit the list page. It's just like the menu page on your iPod, it changes depending on what level of feedback you are working with (main, artist, album, songs, etc.).
I have activated the channel button 142 because of which it gives me feedback to the 5" TP and iPort Now Playing page of R4. Its just that the feedback doesn't come on R4(iPort Menu Page of R4).
You have to activate it for the 5" and the R4 separately. If you have, I would have to suspect there is something with the R4 buffer module goofing things up. I don't use it, myself; you could try without and see if that helps.
hello dave,
I still was not able to get any feedback on the iPort Menu Page even after i had activated the Chanel 142 on R4 and 5200i TP separately. I also tried using the buffer module DEFINE_MODULE 'AMX_R4_Comm_Mod' mdlAMX_R4_Comm_Mod_A (vdvR4_A_1,dvR4iPortBreakFast)
It still didnt help me. I hope I'm doing theright way of implementing the module.
1) I Created a virtual device vdvR4_A_iPort = 33020:20:0 for the real device
dvR4iPortBreakFast = 1005:20:1
2) Used this virtual device instead of the real device in UI list.
3) In the R4 buffer module i used the base port of the virtual device as shown
'AMX_R4_Comm_Mod' mdlAMX_R4_Comm_Mod_A (vdvR4_A_1,dvR4iPortBreakFast)
and also tried using the vdvR4_A_iPort instead of vdvR4_A_1 in the same module.
Remember that i tried using port 1 instead of port 20 it worked fine and port 20 hasn't been used for any other purpose.
Is there anything I 've missed or have I done any mistakes in the implementation procedure.
Dave you said your code is working fine. Can you please upload the same.
That is your issue I suspect. Using port 20, you need to run Set_Virtual_Port_Count on your virtual, a virtual device only has 1 port as standard.
So in your online Data Event
used the below in online event of one of the R4
Set_Virtual_Port_Count (vdvR4_A_iPort,20)
but it didnt help.
if you look at the device manager we can see that the the virtual device 33020:20:0 displays upto 20 ports without using the above function. Is it necessary to use them.