how to set password
Hi,recently, i have a problem ,the amx has the password when you want into the setup setting on the touch_panel.Now i want to do a password programme,you know the amx provide the interphase is not look i want to do another,but how to synchronously show the number that i just push the number on the touch_panel.And how can the master get the number.whether or not i should make a variable to store it.Can anybody programme a simple code for me ? thanks
I'm not really sure why you'd want to change the setup as it is typically not a user section. To me, I'd rather have a simple interface that works and doesn't eat up a lot of resources on fancy graphics and whatnot.
However, putting my personal opinion to the side... You could create your own routine to get into the setup of the panel. You could create your own keypad or keyboard and your own set of passwords.
One method is using the built-in keypad/keyboard and getting the text string from the panel. then it's just a simple matter of checking what they/you enter by parsing the data string. If it's good, then send the panel the SETUP command. That'll take you there.
This will not defeat the built-in access to the setup page. But, if you change the built-in password, you'll at least keep out other nefarious AMX techs and programmers. (be sure to keep that password handy... Otherwise you'll be sending in that panel to be zapped back to factory settings.)
On the last request of programming you a simple code; I refer you to the FAQ post on such matters.
question #4
Hope that helps.