I need to use over 13 IR emitters. Any idea? =)

Well, the company I work for is going to install an automation system in a building, and we'll need way more IR emitters than a single controller supports. Is there any kind of IR port expander that allows me to do so? Or do I necessarily have to add up more central controllers to satisfy the amount or IR's I need?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
You can also just put multiple different devices on the same IR port and put the different devices on that port in a different ranges of IR slots. IR device 1 = slots 1-30, IR device 2 = slots 40-70..etc. You would just need to make a custom combined IRL.
There's also products from Extron, Global Cache, etc. that you can control via RS-232 to control IR devices.
Tanks again
Alternately, if they are in groups and not spread everywhere, you could probably just run AXLink and slave a few Axcent3's in key locations and use their IR ports.
At the installation you may need know how work ICSnet and ICShub, I recommend if you have access to amx university make the "Getting Started with AMX Control", it could be helpful.
I've done taht a few times, but I must admit, I don't like it much. For some reason, NS seems to have trouble loading IR files to a slaved Axcent3 via a NetLinx master. It's intensely frustrating to need to keep trying again and again until they all get through.
Because you said distance is a factor I would use either AXB-IRS4 boxes connected over axlink or you could also use for each conditioner a NI-700 which is connectect through ethernet to the master (master to master comm). The 2nd option is kind of expensive but pretty clean and using standart ethernet cabling.
If you update the firmware in the Axcent 3 to the latest, the IR transfers go smoothly. I have upgraded Axcess systems in some restaurants which had Axcent 3s as masters and slaves. I set them all for slave and add an NI-700 as a master. This arrangement works fine.
I have had a lot more trouble with AXB-IRS4s themselves than I have had with Axcent 3s slaved off Netlinx masters.
If you aren't able/willing to attempt firmware update on old Axcent3, the files tend to transfer to the slave Axcent3 more smoothly for me from IREdit than NS.
vining said -
You can also just put multiple different devices on the same IR port and put the different devices on that port in a different ranges of IR slots. IR device 1 = slots 1-30, IR device 2 = slots 40-70..etc. You would just need to make a custom combined IRL.
You can, but only control 2 devices/IR emitters. The current draw on the port is too much with more than two and it will not work. This happens with commercial IR splitters and distributors such as Xantech, RTI etc as well, not just AMX.