iPod App Store

Have you found any apps that make programming or using AMX easier or more functional?
I found a nice calculator app called MissingCalc. It is VERY nice when you are trying to manually figure out checksums for testing. The only problem I have with it is that you have to push = before adding a third (fourth, fifth,...) number to a sequence. Price of the app means that I will live with the = thing tho
(it's free).
I know there is an app that will let you control an AMX system from an iPod touch, but I have not used it.
I know that there are a few VNC programs, but the free one I tried does not connect properly to AMX panels.
I am pretty sure I saw a couple of IP calculators, but I haven't had any reason to get one yet.
I found a nice calculator app called MissingCalc. It is VERY nice when you are trying to manually figure out checksums for testing. The only problem I have with it is that you have to push = before adding a third (fourth, fifth,...) number to a sequence. Price of the app means that I will live with the = thing tho

I know there is an app that will let you control an AMX system from an iPod touch, but I have not used it.
I know that there are a few VNC programs, but the free one I tried does not connect properly to AMX panels.
I am pretty sure I saw a couple of IP calculators, but I haven't had any reason to get one yet.
I've posted about this elsewhere but I'll reiterate. Jaadu VNC works fantastically well with AMX and is perfectly usable. I've only read one post from anyone claiming to have got the free Mocha client to work. I've tried it on all sorts of hardware, I can't get Mocha VNC to work at all.
Not so much an AMX application but the Sonos app is a fantastic way of controlling a Sonos setup.
One of these apps is iLoveControl. Although it is limited to a predefined set of functions, it works great together with AMX. I'm about to finish an AMX module set (a combination of duet and netlinx modules) which eases the integration of this app into an existing AMX implementation quite a lot. Attached you find the module documentation (subject to change). The code needs still to be cleaned up.
It's written by some ex ms script kiddies and is a very useful calc. write your own formulas etc.
Google xp powertoys - there are a few good things there apart from the calc too - IMO
Just be sure to have a password set, it needs to authenticate. Not the best refresh time, but a cheap solution to adding another touch panel !
Cheers !
Not necessarily related to programming, but there is a $0.99 Ohm's Law Calculator.
Units is a free unit conversion app that covers many different areas.
GraphCalc is a free graphing calculator.
Are you able to do press and hold stuff through Jaadu? Everything else works, but I had setup some press and hold functionality for some buttons and i couldn't get it to work at all.
Not tested this but I think I know what may be happening
The latest version of Jaadu has an option to select AMX Touchpanel as the connection type. I've not tested it on a 800 x 600 screen but it scales the 800 x 480 screens to remove the slight scrolling that was there before. If it scales an 800 x 600 screen it will be unusably small
I think if you select Windows as the connection type, it won't scale it down. You can still enable Touchscreen rather than cursor mode - though cursor mode is pretty useful. Give it a go
Yes that's exactly what happened. I tried using it in windows mode and the gui shows bigger now although I need to move it around. I still get probably 2 out 5 button presses to work.
Thanks. I'm aware of it. But I thought that it was really cool to have a replica of the TP on the iTouch. I've been playing around with the setting to see if i get a better success with the BP but it is sluggish at best. I might be doing something wrong or have a setting that is not properly set.
Currently Jaadu does the following (as far as I can tell):
TAP - AMX push/release (a TAP, mind you, if you touch and hold the screen this is not a TAP)
TAP-DRAG - Pan around screen (when zoomed in) (TAP-HOLD also initiates this action)
TAP-TAP-HOLD - AMX push/hold
TAP-TAP-DRAG - AMX Drag (for sliders? I have not verified this one)
I've talked with Jaadu and explained how AMX TPs work (TAP-HOLD being very common) and it sounds like they will be making some changes so a future version will act more like a TP.
I have had very good luck with Jaadu. It is a tad slow to refresh the screen, but is exactly what I'd expect from a VNC connection. It did take me a while to figure out the TAP vs TAP-DRAG vs TAP-TAP. Hopefully they can make the AMX Touchscreen mode act just like a TP, it sounds like they can and will.
Thanks Chad. It makes sense now and it could be this what is causing the issues I'm having. At this point since my TP is an 800 x 600 the screen that I get in the iTouch is pretty useless, so I changed it to windows. Could you post the different settings that you have for the connection, to make sure that there is not something else I need to look on my side.
Under Server Information I selected AMX Touch Interface.
Under Advanced I turned on Rotation Lock. Change this setting when connected and in the orientation you want. This is just a preference, I like mine to always load in landscape mode.
I've used this with an 800x600 panel and would hardly say it is useless...but you definitely have to zoom in to hit closely spaced or small buttons.
Thanks. I didn't know about the zoom feature. LOL. I just got the itouch to play with this applications.
Just un-pinch!
What is the term for this, stretch?