Using clock of master?

I have set the clock of a master (NI-700) to sync each hour to an external time server. Is it possible to use that clock source of the master in the Netlinx program or do I still need a AXC real time clock card in the slave AXCESS cardframe in order to have an exact clock in mainline?
Use the TIME keyword. It's a string in the format HH:MM:SS
Likewise DATE is MM : DD : YY
or LDATE is MM : DD : YYYY
Note. I had to put spaces between the ':' or it made smiley faces...
how did you set the time to an external time source, i dont know how to do it .
I know you asked Bob, but I can help too. There are many ways to do this. One is to scrape a website with a good time server. That won't give you millisecond accuracy and all that, but it will keep you reasonably close. I happen to use the NIST website myself. But there are many others out there.
Another method is there are many RSS feeds that have time stamps.
A third way is to go ahead and roll your own time server client. I've been working on this for a little while but it's on the back burner as I have a dozen other things in its way right now.
The forth way I can think of is that the master does have it's own implimentatio of netwrok time on it. It doesn't know when daylights savings starts and stops.
Those are some ideas.
hope that helps.
I think when you http to your master and login, then click on "System" and then "Clock Manager": select here Time Sync from Network Time and on the most right sub-Tab (saying NIST Servers) select the time server to be used.
Thanks, Eric!