iPHone App - "TCP/IP" works pretty well with AMX

I just set up this app and it works quite well.
It's pretty quick and integrates nicely.
I'm going to try and research making iPhone apps and see if I can make something that looks and feels more like an AMX thing. 2-way comm. etc...
We'll see.
It's pretty quick and integrates nicely.
I'm going to try and research making iPhone apps and see if I can make something that looks and feels more like an AMX thing. 2-way comm. etc...
We'll see.
bcirrisi posted a module for mobile devices and it you're familar with HTML you can easily create an interface and connect to it by point a url to an html file on a master.
What does this TCP/IP app actually do? I've been wanting to buy an iPhone or Blackberry so I can play too but with the ecomony the way it is I feel like I need to be frugal until I can at least see a light at the end of the tunnel. Here in the N.E. metro area that means Wall Street needs to rebound and that requires bonuses.
I downloaded all the apps that listed AMX. What I liked about this particular app is that it was simple. It's just a set of buttons that you can put in a text to be sent TCP. So, I just put in simple btn:1 btn:2 btn:3 etc...
Then set up the Netlinx master and a port and went from there.
I honestly would rather create an iPhone app that communicated with the AMX system without a lot of parsing of HTML. However, I'd like to see if I can create a way to store graphics on the Netlinx master so the programmer can do a lot more customization of the buttons and look.
This is actually the opposite of what we normally do to control HTTP devices since it's now the iPhone controlling the master.
I've seen this method on a couple of devices. One being the PowerPlay controlled power center. You make web requests with a wink and nod, and the power controller just does something. the return is a simple ACK.
I'll check out the iPhone app.
I'm downloading the iPhone developer kit right now. I'll probably still doe something anyway since I'd really like to learn the iPhone.
iMasterControl has feedback and works well, but it has a predetermined, complex UI flow that makes its use difficult in most systems.
I was avoiding developing an iPhone app, because Blackberries are still outselling iPhones, and I wanted what every I developed to be capable with all the smart-phones (iPhone, Blackberry, Androind, Windows Mobile). That way, we develop one app that a client can use from any PC, MAC, or smarthphone... I just hate managing multiple pieces of software, applications, and installation processes, etc.... Embrace the Cloud!
I agree and think that's a better approach than developing specific apps. I've never worked things from this direction so do these modile devices send resolution or ID parameters in their header when opening a connection to the master that can be parsed and used to determine which html form to use. That would allow us to include a specific section of html code that will draws a web page for that specific device.
They don't send a resolution but you can grab the browser from the header info and form there figure out if it's a iPhone etc. I've finally got my hands on an iPhone so have been starting to look at app development for that. One of the most appealing features is that it gives you a very nice bit of touch hardware that can be held in one hand and can also give haptic feedback (via vibration). Albiet basic it is there and with access to that in addition to much nicer gestural support you can create interfaces that don't require you to be looking at the screen to operate it. By utilizing gestural based input to create non 'point and click' interfaces (such as Dennis Middeke's fantastic interface concept - http://www.sapdesignguild.org/community/readers/reader_gesture_nav.asp) it becomes a lot more confortable to use touch screen control for areas where you're visual attention is likely to be elsewhere, such as within home theatres etc.
Hmmm, I can't get to this thread. Is it in the ACE area? Could someone please repost Brian's module so I can have a look at what it's doing?
And the thread it came from has some pictures and possibly other useful info, well maybe not but it does have pictures.
I created a module for controlling AMX stuff from a mobile device via a HTTP page. I've been using it for several months now at my house, and would like see it furthered developed. Since I don't have time for that, I am giving it away in hopes that all of you will add on/tweak/optimize it and keep posting it in back in the forums.
- This module has been tested on BlackBerry and iPhones.
- Provides up to 50 Button presses.
- You can change the title, labels, and buttons to say anything.
- There are no web-pages, it send the HTML data directly to the web-browser.
- It's password protection is not encrypted, so it isn't the most secure thing.
- I recommend using port 80, since that is the only port that most cell phone carriers allow. If you do us port 80, you must change the NI web port to something other then 80 (ex. port 83)
- Will work on a computer based web-browser (ex Firefox, Internet Explorer).
- The control is broken into sets. Each set has a title and at least one button, refer to the documents included.
- The pages must be refreshed to get any data updates on it.
Good Luck!
I keep forgetting the ACE restrictions and since I'll be blind soon enough I'll have to stop posting in the exclusion zone.