MET-ECOM VoIP SIP 3CX not registering
in AMX Hardware
Hi all,
I have here a MET-ECOM.D (most recent F/W v1.01.15) on loan for a couple of days.
We are running 3CX as IPPBX in combination with Linksys & Polycom SIP stuff.
Everything works great.
Only thing we miss is a SIP door phone.
So we thought the ECOM would be nice to welcome our visitors.
As simple and fast as the Linksys & Polycom are configured and connected to the IPPBX ...
The ECOM is frustrating not registering.
I read that other guys succeeded in connecting the "i" TP's to 3CX or Asterisk.
Went through the various manuals, but what's not clear for me is if a NI controller is actually needed for the VoIP feature of supported AMX gear?
STUN server is not needed in my case.
The manual (last version just downloaded) states that it's "optional" , but it's just mandatory.
Once you dare to fill in something else than the default "Unknown" you cannot just leave the field blank.
Also turning back to the default "unknown" is not accepted.
Tx in advance for your time
I have here a MET-ECOM.D (most recent F/W v1.01.15) on loan for a couple of days.
We are running 3CX as IPPBX in combination with Linksys & Polycom SIP stuff.
Everything works great.
Only thing we miss is a SIP door phone.
So we thought the ECOM would be nice to welcome our visitors.
As simple and fast as the Linksys & Polycom are configured and connected to the IPPBX ...
The ECOM is frustrating not registering.
I read that other guys succeeded in connecting the "i" TP's to 3CX or Asterisk.
Went through the various manuals, but what's not clear for me is if a NI controller is actually needed for the VoIP feature of supported AMX gear?
STUN server is not needed in my case.
The manual (last version just downloaded) states that it's "optional" , but it's just mandatory.
Once you dare to fill in something else than the default "Unknown" you cannot just leave the field blank.
Also turning back to the default "unknown" is not accepted.
Tx in advance for your time
Hope this helps.
STUN field can't be empty (and doesn't accept DNS names), I filled it with the IPBX address.
DOMAIN also filled in.
You never know ... i gave it a static IP address + DNS + gateway
Pushed the button
Nada ... nothing
I tried the attached file but no go.
The MET-ECOM comes in the online tree.
In NS I can see the event happen when the button is pushed.
In 3CX (our IPPBX) nothing happens.
No registering and obviously no call to extension 711.
Anyone that can help?
Tx in advance
With all respect but purchasing the AMX SIP gateway just for the MET-ECOM is overkill.
All our other phones in our office and at home are a mix of brands. (Polycom, Linksys, Siemens, Patton, ...)
They just work easy & nice.
Of course it needs some fine tune, but honestly not that difficult and not that long to do.
At least if the VoIP device has enough settings available to tweak.
A bit cynical, but pfffff, why can't AMX make it right from the beginning?
Why always try to re-invent the wheel?
(Damn the troubles we had with MAC filtering on the WAP250 ... )
If the MET-ECOM would be featured as a good SIP phone from the beginning, there would be no or very few support requests.
We would (and should) address the PBX supplier as 3CX, Asterisk, ... with our quests.
I received a mail from AMX saying that I must check on the PBX that the registration period is longer than 3 minutes.
Something that is not integrated in the PBX because it is common that this feature can be tweaked on the phones, so it can overrule the settings of the PBX.
By the way ... registration period on 3CX apparently is 30 mins.
MC2 wrote: The AMX SIP Gateway is a rebranded Digium Asterisk Appliance so if the MET-ECOM works with that I would think it would be an identical process to getting to work with your 3CX. Unfortunately when I found out the 5200i's wouldn't work as a SIP phone I sent back my gateway back and never had a chance to try out the MET-ECOM so I don't know what's involved.
FYI, this was back in APRIL and there is supposed to be a firmware release which will make the 5200i's work as a SIP phone in August but I wasn't about to string along my customers who were already a bit pissed ini anticipation of an August release that may or may not happen. Of course this wouldn't have happened if the 5200's weren't advertised with a capability which doesn't yet exist and hasn't for more than a year since its release.
... Does that mean you can't initiate a call from a phone or TP to the callbox? ...
If it is so ... weird concept. Unless there is a good reason to do it that way.
...AMX SIP Gateway is a rebranded Digium Asterisk Appliance ...
That doesn't suprise me.
If they intend to sell their own VoIP solution they should have released a full featured package. PBX, gateways, wired phones, DECT phones, TPs, door stations.
Only then you have an "end-to-end solution" that they can guarantee will work.
Can't expect the customers to buy 2 SIP systems not?
1 for AMX TPs and MET-ECOMs and 1 for SIP telephony?
I don't like it when AMX tries to reinvent the wheel.
Either make it a 100% focus, either stay out of it.
By the way, I read your post regarding the MVP5200i. A bit the same issue as this one hein ;-)
To all ... Don't understand me wrong ... I want to make the ECOM work so we can demonstrate it in our demo facilities. We love AMX as our integration partner but from time to time ... grrrrrrrrr :-)
I interrupt hear because off discussion was on VOIP SIP Gateway
I try door Phone MET-ECOM.D with MVP-8400i and I have AMX SIP Gateway CSG-580 its working fine then I try with X-lite soft phone its fine after I try to connect my office Cisco 7970 ip phone firmware (SIP70.8-5-2S). its connected with AMX SIP Gateway Cisco phone to Cisco phone call is fine voice is good but when I call on MVP-8400i the received voice from MVP is very bad Broken voice is coming from MVP. Coming voice from Cisco phone on MVP is good. Anybody have this experience why it like that. Even I try to call from MET-ECOM.D to Cisco phone call is coming on phone. But voice is same problem like MVP going on Door phone is good but receiving voice from door phone on Cisco phone is broken.
Anybody have idea where I am doing wrong configuration. I check audio codec on sip gateway its g711.