how to use Commandfusion software to connect iphone and master(NI-700)
anyone has used the iphone to control your light system ??
i have some problem about the iphone and the master connect setting.
this is diagnostics message.
my iphone's ip is and in my iphone setting 'CF iviewer' the 'File URL' is ' ',but when i use the CF iviewer on my iphone will get a Warning message like"Experiencing intermittent connection loss"
my computer's ip is and use the 'CommanFusion guiDesigner' that i set the 'project properties'--'control system'--'Ip Address' is and 'port' is '1319'.
does anyone have ad ,thanks a lot.
i have some problem about the iphone and the master connect setting.
this is diagnostics message.
Line 1 (11:34:21):: CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer Line 2 (11:34:21):: Memory Available = 9074680 <37696> Line 3 (11:34:52):: CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer Line 4 (11:35:24):: CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer Line 5 (11:35:55):: CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer Line 6 (11:36:26):: CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or bypeermaster's ip is use the 'AMX_Module_REV02' and i don't know how to set the
DEFINE_DEVICE dvMaster_1 = 0:01:0 (* NETLINX MASTER *) RS232____1 = 5001:01:0 (* NI-RS232 *) RS232____2 = 5001:02:0 (* NI-RS232 *) dvRelais_1 = 5001:08:0 (* NI-Relais *) dvIR_____1 = 5001:09:0 (* NI-IR *) dvIO_____1 = 5001:17:0 (* NI-I/O *) dviPhone_1 = 0:02:0 (* iPhone TP Device iViever *) dvTP__2__1 = 34001:01:0how can i define a real iphone device
my iphone's ip is and in my iphone setting 'CF iviewer' the 'File URL' is ' ',but when i use the CF iviewer on my iphone will get a Warning message like"Experiencing intermittent connection loss"
my computer's ip is and use the 'CommanFusion guiDesigner' that i set the 'project properties'--'control system'--'Ip Address' is and 'port' is '1319'.
does anyone have ad ,thanks a lot.
It would be unusual for a third party setup to try and communicate on this same port. more than likely you need to set the iPone app on port 8020. that's probably where the iPhone module in your program is trying to talk.
This is just a guess.
hope this helps.
Is there an app that you load onto the iPhone/Touch?
if you have a iPhone ,you can try it yourself .but i saw that crest** have alread used the software like this
but that is crest** devise itself ,so it has no problem about connect setting. AMX VirtualKeypad is ok ,but it can't be create more button,and the reply is so slow .i don't know what's wrong with it .
follow is the about commanfusion guidesigner's website .if you have interest you can try it .any ad will appreciate.
and this is the google group