Axcent3 can't reboot or run new code
Have an Axcent3. Managed to connect with NetLinx studio, view the devices, and retrieve source code. However the Reboot Master doesn't seem to reboot it because the leds don't cycle, and if I send the new code and reboot by pulling the power, it doesn't run the changed code. I haven't done this in a while so maybe I'm just missing something. Any ideas?
Not sure if I'm understanding you. But, you don't connect NS to port 1 RS232. There's a program port for connecting to the master.
In the File Transfer box, you select the file and then in the Edit button is an option to set the device #. This was 0 by default. When I send, it shows that it sent OK. If I change the device # to 1, it errors on send. I really don't understand why the reboot doesn't do anything since I retrieved the source code with ease.
>>You have studio set for Axcess master ? "
As far as I know how to. In Master Communication Settings, it's configured to connect to Axcess via serial. I compile the code as Axcess. Is there something else?