TP4 Buglist - Add one for me

Is there someplace that AMX would like application bugs to be posted? Hope I am not posting in the wrong place:
v2.7.0 build 545
Sometimes, I leave TP4 connected to my master after doing some panel file transfers. If I go back to NStudio and use it to load some new code to the master, of course, TP4 loses the connection to the master.
The only problem, this now causes TP4 to crash pretty hard; everything in TP4 turns white, only the borders of the windows and toolbars remain gray. I can close the app, but I have to actually go in to the control panel to shut the whole thing down to be able to restart it.
Slightly annoying.
v2.7.0 build 545
Sometimes, I leave TP4 connected to my master after doing some panel file transfers. If I go back to NStudio and use it to load some new code to the master, of course, TP4 loses the connection to the master.
The only problem, this now causes TP4 to crash pretty hard; everything in TP4 turns white, only the borders of the windows and toolbars remain gray. I can close the app, but I have to actually go in to the control panel to shut the whole thing down to be able to restart it.
Slightly annoying.
YES! that's SOOO annoying!
but roognation, i have never seen the problem you describe... maybe i didnt upgrade...
I do that all the time. I have a few panel designs that I use for templates, and I cut-and-paste pages and buttons between them for every project I do, yet I have never run across that problem.
This goes back to the problem of not being able to recover gracefully from XML corruption, probably.
I also experience the crash when the master looses the connection. I get an error that says "In pure function call"
A recurring bug that drives me nuts is when you copy a button multiple times some of the properties become unavailable. For example if you want to change the border name, the only thing that shows up in the drop down list is the current setting or none. The only way to fix this is to create a new button.
This also happens to the text alignment property, among others, but you can get around this by selecting the property and pressing enter to toggle through all the options.
Or is it just me?
Haven?t run across that one personally
Just curious.
Sheldon Samuels
I have gone through the same thing, so many times. Virtual Master is not very stable on my machine, so i don't use it that much.
The only problem with that is the lack of another option with the R4. You have to use Virtual Master...
If you have a series of buttons selected with varying text sizes within this selection and you change fonts, the font change will certainly occur, but it will also resize EVERY button to 8pt (or to be more specific, the minimum font size available to the new font).
It should, according to MS word and some others' behavior (these being some form of weird benchmark I guess!) simply ignore the SIZE field in this process and only play with the font attribute.
Best regards!
NetLinx studio: When I file transfer with debug enabled. It doesn't ask me to disable debugging, but it does crash spectacularly when the master reboots.
TPDesign4: 'General | Programming | States' vanish and have to resize the app to get them back.
And why can't I transfer a touch panel in netlinx studio that's open in TPDesign4!
I'd love to have the ability to copy multiple popup pages and/or pages and paste them in another open tp4 file. Perhaps I'm missing something but I currently have to copy/paste popups or pages one at a time.
Oh god.. would love to get a solution on that, its really annoying, having to copy/paste like more than 30 or 40 popups.
And maybe also, if there is an image on the resouce manager, but its never used on the TP design itself, maybe its kinda useless that the program uploads that image aswell.
Sometimes its useless for us to remember those images and sometimes use them, but I find it really crap that he uploads all of that.. need to keep cleaning Resource manager all the time.
This happens to me when the slider has the font alignment selection box close to the bottom of the screen (for some reason it won't open UP, it only opens DOWN), so try scrolling the scroll bar down (moving the text alignment field up) and see if it opens up more options for you.
I've also noticed that most of the selections like that act funky when I have TPD4 open on a monitor other than the primary monitor.
Something that bothers me but I'm not sure if it's a huge issue is when I go to see my channel number usage and there are phantom numbers from buttons that I have deleted, but they still show up in my "Function Maps" tab. When I try to delete these ghost buttons, I get an error that says:
"An invalid argument was passed to a function
Please contact Technical Support"
Is there any way to get rid of these ghost buttons from the "Function Maps" tab?
Panel --> Verify Function Maps
TP4 will carry a FONT requirement forever even after you aren't using it in any pages in your project. You can't delete it, and if it's a font that's not available in the computer you load the project on, when it asks for it if you say OK to skip it, ALL your fonts are skipped, not just the one it didn't find, ruining every page. So you MUST keep mobile copies of errant fonts that you really don't want anymore.... and send them around WITH the panel projects.
AMX support suggests creating a new project and copying all the pages from the "contaminated" projected into the new one. Well, that's really too painful when you have 200 pages and popups... and you have to do each one individually.
I've found that a VISTA issue prevents importing bitmaps into a project properly.
In XP, when you import bitmaps, you get a choice (checkbox) at the lower right corner of your file picker dialog that lets you overwrite matching file names. A feature much needed. However, VISTA does not show that control, and defaults to renaming duplicates "Copy of...". This makes it necessary to re-map every imported button on pasted-in pages to your original bitmaps and then deletion of the copies from the resource manager. Or worse, say you want to replace the main button style that appears in 300 positions in your project. You can't. You have to re-map every single one individually.Tedious beyond mind-numbing.
AMX support took my report on this and has no suggestions for workarounds.
Let's hope the control reappears in WIndows 7. But I doubt it.
I found that about 60% of all my buttons scaled improperly when making 15" panels from 12" projects.
The distortion was subtle - the size of the button was about 5 pixels too small in both directions for the bitmap. Also, many but not all of the buttons so affected had the bitmap justification reset to upper left, where they were all originally center middle. Between the size and shift issues, the buttons (tri-part with chameleon masks) just looked bad without being obvious why. It took many hours to correct manually. I had to select all the buttons on every page, use the FIT TO BITMAP button, then reposition all that changed, then reset the justification on most of the buttons.
Now I need to take a better look at the other versions that get scaled off our 12" base project... the 430 and the 7500... and see if they have been compromised too.
I seem to recall a post a long while back, possibly by an AMX engineer, that said buttons that are evenly divisible by 4 pixels scale well, otherwise scaling will have issues. I've never intentionally practiced this technique nor tried to evaluate its validity but maybe this is part of your issue. I'm sure one of the smart folks here may recall this post and elaborate.
Oddly, some of my images that scaled correctly were using the same bitmaps as some that distorted. And not all that distorted, but also some of those that did not, did the change of justification. I saw no pattern.
Really not a thing you wanna let ur client see..
- Alan