2nd TCP/IP port needed

in AMX Hardware
Okay, after rebooting several hundred systems across campus today I really think that AMX needs to add the second LAN port on their controllers. The other company already has a second LAN port on theirs. My reasoning for this move is today a hacker found a way to turn off random ports on our network routers across campus. The fix was easy, just turn the port back on, but it also required all the techs and staff to run across the campus to reboot the switch, controller and touch panel. If AMX could add the 2'nd LAN port it would allow the system to still function regardless of the network functionality.
Hmmm. perhaps you could write a routine to look for good network activity and have a periodic reboot from the program if it looses connection.
I have a few clients with really bad networks that we can do nothing about. I reboot their master as a matter of course every night at 4AM. It just seems to keep that system honest. Touch panels are a different matter, obviously.
I've always kinda wanted something like that on the touch panels. Something along the lines of, "if no connection to master for X minutes/hours, reboot every Y minutes for Z times." My systems do report to me when something is offline for too long. So, I can be a little proactive.
The real problem, it seems to me, is when you are required to use the customer's network for the AMX equipment. In those cases, I don't see how a dual port master would help.
Maybe I'm missing something.
But, if it were VPN, couldn't you access everything on the LAN side of the router via VPN?
Incorrect - you can manually forward individual ports from one interface to devices on the network to which the other interface is connected. Clumsy, but it works.
Didn't know that. Have done one or two C*tron systems which had dual port cards, but never actually used more than the one port. It appears that the C*tron system with dual port card will do NAT between the ports.
I always thought multi-NIC systems were for bridging between various networks. Given that your IT dept uses managed switches, they may then require full access to your AMX gear if (theoretically) the AMX had multi NICs. The AMX would also have additional processing load to cope with the traffic on both NICs. Double the cable infrastructure and double the switching ports... $$$ No, I'd rather stick with the one NIC in the AMX, and get your network secured properly. I guess network security policies/practices is a topic for another thread.
One feature request/suggestion that I have put to AMX is an "NI-700" that runs on PoE. That way our/your network guys can power-cycle the AMX from the managed switch, rather than have you running all over the place. This would obviously require a redesign of the NI-700, which would have to take into consideration how much current can be drawn from PoE. Accessories would be the tricky part (AXlink keypads, PIRs on the I/O +12v, etc), but I'm sure the base CPU could be powered off PoE. It would be nice if we could also power one AXlink keypad and 200mA (for PIR) off the I/O, all via PoE. This would cover our basic classroom setup, unless we migrate to the DVX-2100.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University