Send key presses to WinXP computer?

Hi, I am trying to figure out how it is best to send emulated keybord presses to a networked PC running windows XP? This is for a media player control (powerdvd) which is controlled from the keyboard. Thanks much and greetings.
The other way would be to install girder and let it emulate keaboard presses, however I don't want to fiddle with serial cable to control girder when the computer is connected to the network. Anyone know how to control girder from TCP/IP?
i!-PCLink/Web provides this functionality:!-PCLink-Web.asp
I use it to control a media PC in my lounge room from my R4 remote.
From i!-PCLinkWeb2.axi which installs with it:
PCL_CMD_SEND_KEYS = 'SENDKEYS-' //send keyboard input :: ( SENDKEYS-<Keydata> ) i.e. ( 'SENDKEYS-Hello World' ).
I'd have to look through the documentation, but I'm sure it's possible to send CTL/ALT + key combinations.
i.e. {CTRL}
so for CTRL 'F' you'd send
I suppose before sending keypresses that the controlled program (powerdvd) must be set to input focus. Can the module achieve this? Is there a command to shutdown the computer?
Thanks much!
Thanks much!
// Use ascii values...
ENTER = 0x0d
Space = 0x20
Anyone have the arrow commands figured out?