Need help with Aprilaire 8870
This is my first residential system and I try to control HVAC with Aprilaire 8870 thermosat.
I asked a question to Aprilaire support about connecting and the response was: Direct to Comm. Port and will handle 64 stats.
1- Can I connect my tstat to my NI-3100 using RS-232 port?
2- Is this parameter correct to set the port: SEND_COMMAND THERMO_8870,"'SET BAUD 19200,N,8,1 485 ENABLE'"
3- I don't want to use the Duet Module, I prefer create one. Someone has a SEND_STRING example?
This is my first residential system and I try to control HVAC with Aprilaire 8870 thermosat.
I asked a question to Aprilaire support about connecting and the response was: Direct to Comm. Port and will handle 64 stats.
1- Can I connect my tstat to my NI-3100 using RS-232 port?
2- Is this parameter correct to set the port: SEND_COMMAND THERMO_8870,"'SET BAUD 19200,N,8,1 485 ENABLE'"
3- I don't want to use the Duet Module, I prefer create one. Someone has a SEND_STRING example?
Perhaps I'm just lucky but I've had great results with using the RS422 and the old non-duet comm module. All of the examples of this are 2 or more T-Stats. (In one case 7) I will say that I did have more issues until I started using the Aprilaire 8818 Distribution panel. It is essentially a home-run box that you place at the head-end of your system. Then you connect all the T-Stats to it and then a single line to the control system. It's handy in that it's layed out well, has convenient power/TX/RX on/off switches for each T-Stat.
I cannot explain why it works better scientifically. It's nothing more than a fancy buss. (Think AMX's AxLink buss) But, using it seems to have solved a whole host off issues using multiple T-Stats.
At my home, I have 2 8870s on a single AXB-232++ box. (no distribution 8818) It works great.
Pin-outs are:
Female DB9 Pin 1 ---> B- on 8870
Female DB9 Pin 4 ---> A+ on 8870
Female DB9 Pin 6 ---> B+ on 8870
Female DB9 Pin 9 ---> A- on 8870
(I don?t use REF connector on the 8870 but don?t know if it?s ok)
I set the communication speed at 9600 on my 8870.
My address is 1.
Max stats = 1.
In Netlinx, I use Viewstat422_Comm.tko.
dvHVAC_422 = 5001:2:0
dvTP = 10001:1:0
vdvHVAC_422 = 34001:1:0
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'USEDEBUG-0'"
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'SCALE=F'"
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'ZONE_COUNT=1'"
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'VDV_ONLINE=1'"
BUTTON_EVENT[dvTP,10] // increase heat set point by one degree
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'T-1 HEAT-+'"
BUTTON_EVENT[dvTP,11] // decrease heat set point by one degree
send_command vdvHVAC_422, "'T-1 HEAT--'"
DEFINE_MODULE 'Viewstat422_Comm' myVWSTAT(vdvHVAC_422, dvHVAC_422)
When I touch button 10 and 11, red output led and yellow input led are flashing but not the Tx and Rx leds on port 2.
Someone can help me on this issue?
Thanks a lot!
In projects where I use this module, I always check tstat control last when I check system operation. 10 to 15 minutes is not unusual to wait for tstat control from TP's and keypads.
Used both the duet and netlinx modules for the Aprilaire tstats. Found that you had to queue the commands going into the netlinx comm while it seemed like you could slam the heck out of the duet module - though its been awhile since I've seen a project with stand alone thermostats.
Do I need to do something special to configure NI for 422 comm?
I've check my cable 3 times to be sure but nothing works...
Perhaps you should try sending an 'RXON' and 'TXON' to the serial port. I've seen a couple times when the port was turned off out of the box. Sending these commands woke it up.
Just a thought...
I use the non-Duet Module and I've done up to 17 Tstats. I did have to rewrite the UI for to get a lil speedier reaction, since all the feedback is determined by a Level_Event - if the level doesn't update...your TPs don't update. My client also wanted to view all the current room temps in one UI, which was my reason for heavily tweaking that UI anyways. The good thing is other than a few channel differences and variable differences the UI for the new ENV-VST is very similar. I also recommend the multi-zone controller for busing purposes.
I still have the same problem: when I send command to the virtual device HVAC, COM port doesn't flash...
Is it possible to post detailed connections into your 8870 because I don't know if I need to connect R and C wires.
So you need the A's & B's and R & C.
As suggested by DHawthorne, I've bought the protocol adapter 8811.
I connect RX's with respective TX's and when I send a command, I see both TX and RX leds flash.
When I connect the protocal adapter to the tstat and I send a command, RX RS-232 and TX RS-485 flash but they flash very fast and the leds don't have the maximum light (flashing leds are very light).
Is there a way to test communication on tsat or change something on (dip switch, etc.).
I'm stuck on this problem for 3 weeks...
You can monitor what the serial port is sending and receiving in Diagnostics. Set up a watch on the port and enable it. You'll see a rolling text of all the traffic to and from the port. Diagnostics is available in NS3 or Netlinx Diagnostics, a stand-alone program.