IR template in VA

I downloaded the IR file for a Scientific Atalanta 8300HD, this file has all the IR code to make it work; but if you choose Set Top Box template in VA, you do not have access to channel number 1 to 8 and the last function is page down (channel 76 ), the file use a lot more than that (last channel is 138).
suggestion from AMX is to use IR slot 240 -255 and to modify custom.AXI, I never did that and did not find usefull information on how to do that.
Even if I use IR slot 240-255, I will be missign some functions.
How do you go around that problem ? ( I want to use VA, I have not done the programming course).
I could use template for Mini disk player wich has a lot of functions; but then it defeat the purpose of using those templates.
I wish there was a custom template where all functions are available and then we would simply click the one we want.
Yves Laurin
Les Systemes UMAD
suggestion from AMX is to use IR slot 240 -255 and to modify custom.AXI, I never did that and did not find usefull information on how to do that.
Even if I use IR slot 240-255, I will be missign some functions.
How do you go around that problem ? ( I want to use VA, I have not done the programming course).
I could use template for Mini disk player wich has a lot of functions; but then it defeat the purpose of using those templates.
I wish there was a custom template where all functions are available and then we would simply click the one we want.
Yves Laurin
Les Systemes UMAD
I can see now why most dealer are not using VA.
. No IR template match the IR file for the 8300HD from Scientific Atlanta and this is an AMX file!
. The only functions that are predefine when you generate the project are the one that are declared 'require'.
. If you add one button (for example power), the button is there, but no code is accociate with it; I was expecting VA to generate the code automatically (send IR channel), No you have to use code builder!
If you try to move aroud some functions to another slot (channel) from an AMX IR file, IR edit will let you, you save the file under another name; no problem; close the file and reopen the file, suprise it is back to the original setting! If it cannot be modifiy, the the program should tell me when I try to save it.
If I have to program the thing after I am done with VA, then I do not need VA
1: forget about the IR templates, from the touch panel UI page, show me the functions that are define from the IR file, they already have names, so use those. (if AMX insist in puting default value to keep everything standard, then enable users to change them anyway, because there will always be things that are name differently (example buttons A B and C on the remote of the Scientific Atlanta).
2. If I add a button from the touch panel UI page, VA should add the basic code to make it work automatically. (code builder could always be use to do more fancy stuff).
3. this one is no big deal; but still a bit anoying.
If you need to add soemting to the database, you have to close the project and rescan the database. When a dentist for example add a new customer (record), He does not have to close is program, update the database and go back to his database to see the new customer.
Don't get me wrong, I think VA is a great idea; but AMX cannot say I am wrong because the proof are there. nobody (or almost nobody) use this program.
If AMX could solve point 1 and 2, I beleive a lot of people would start to use it (I would).
If you have other comment to improve VA's usefullness, do not hesitate to post your complaint/request. please do it in a constructive way, say what you would like.
I understand that sometime it is a waist of time to chase code and attach your code to it; but what if you have a basic job and could do it all from VA (like TV, receiver and DVD). If they fix the 2 first points that I mention earlier, the only thing that would remain is to sense the power and that can be done with code builder which means that you would not have to chase the code (and again, I am not looking at VA for big project).
Would you use it then?
In my case the threshold is so low that I don't every find myself considering VA. It's a matter of personal choice, I suppose. In our case, systems that can be done there end up going to lower cost control systems. There's just no place for it in our business model.
No. I can bang out a basic job without it faster than I can with. I have templates and modules enough that a single room theater, for example, doesn't take me more than an hour or two to code if there is nothing new and untried. I do, however, find myself stealing concepts and panel designs from both VA and AMX.home, but I always do my own code.
I must add, though, if I was very familiar with the way it puts code together and how it is generated (read: familiar with it and spent the time to learn it properly), it could conceivably be helpful. It's just that the learning curve is too steep and for me it's easier not to bother. There is also very likely a strong case of being set in my ways.
If nothing is new, then it would take 15minutes or 30 minutes at most, because you just drag and drop your devices, they get connected automatically (or manually if you prefer), select your templates and add or remove buttons (this is where it could take you an additional 15 minutes).
When you say "It's just that the learning curve is too steep ", I find it hard to beleive that somebody who can code a whole project with it's eyes close could find VA hard to use or is it just the fact that you have to search the code to attach yours?
Because not one of my jobs fit the standard mold, and I have to figure out how that code is generated in order to modify it as needed. It's not the learning curve of making a system run, but of figuring out how to make it do what I want. I'm sure it can be done, I am just not inclined to spend any time at it. I admit, it's probably more a matter of bias than ability. It's like generating web pages in Word ... it works, but I cringe when I see the output.
You are absolutely right about the mold. I am doing a project right now and I am hitting a wall. I use VA to generate the project.
I downloaded the IR file from AMX for the scientific Atlanta 8300HD only to find out that none of the template fits the channels assignment, so I used IR edit to move some slots around to fit the mold.
I added the favorite button in VA from UI customize page and find out that it does not put a line of code. so I use codebuilder to add that line of code that would send that command when a push the button; nope
So I had no choice but to fire up netlinx studio, look at that code and it look pretty simple (the idea of VA was to avoid programming)
I copied one of the function
and modify it to look like this
TO[vdvCABLE1, FAVORITES] //define in SNAPI.axi
When I press the button, I see the light filckering on the NI-3000 but IR does not lit, so no code is send to the unit.
from netlinx, I see that a push message is generate with the right port:channel for that button (10:102 in my case).
I guess it is time for me to put the candy on the side (VA) and start learning programming (I am not exactly new to programming because I did machine language, assembler, Pascal, basic and C, but never as a professional and never had to deal with channel and virtual devices).