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Communication with MAX

What else I need to set :
dvMAX	= 0:5:0	           //  The real MAX device
vdvMAX       	= 41001:1:0    //  The virtual MAX device 
vdvAVM1      = 41001:2:0    //  AVM 1 connected to the MAX

DEFINE_START	// Place define_module calls to the very end of the define_start section.

DEFINE_MODULE 'AMX_MAX_Comm_dr1_0_0' duet_code(vdvMAX,dvMAX)

to establish communication betwen NI controler and MAX ?

Can someone send me some demo code ? I have include module in workspace, but I am not shure how to set ip address of server.


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    kbeattyAMXkbeattyAMX Posts: 358
    Send commands interface with the Duet Module. You should have gotten a word document with the downloaded module that has all of the available send commands listed. The send command for IP address is: PROPERTY-IP_Address,
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