Dedicated Micros DS2 IP programming
I have only begun messing around with IP control, some of it is pretty simple but I am having some issues with the IP control of the DS2. The 232 protocol manual has the following command to select which camera to view for example:
http://<IP Address>/mci.cgi?command=M\SEL_CHAN\<channel number>
If you type that into a browser and hit go the video output of the DS2 switches to whatever camera # you enter. I have tried different variations of the following:
Where might I, or am I going wrong here? .. anyone?..
http://<IP Address>/mci.cgi?command=M\SEL_CHAN\<channel number>
If you type that into a browser and hit go the video output of the DS2 switches to whatever camera # you enter. I have tried different variations of the following:
Where might I, or am I going wrong here? .. anyone?..
"'GET /mci.cgi?command=M\SEL_CHAN\',ITOA(GET_LAST(nCAMERA _SELECT))',13,10,13,10"
Or it might be a POST.. I'm a little fuzzy on that.
That may be still not enough HTTP overhead
The WAIT 2 after the IP_CLIENT_OPEN() also may be too short. Better is to wait until IP connect is established and then send (IP_CLIENT_OPEN() just tries to get the connect)
The following is a very simple way to do that:
I was just wondering if you were working with a New DS2 - they have a black section in the front panel. I have been working on one of these recently.
The 'new' DS2 appears to use a subset of the commands - there is no control over 'events' for example. I had to use IR control in addition, which was not very satisfactory.
If you have a better solution, I would be grateful if you could share it.
Dedicated Micros has expressed that it cannot handle supporting individual dealers in the use and development of external interfaces. They have tried to get AMX and C to work with them, but have not gotten very far. They indicated that they would prefer to support AMX and have AMX support us, but that doesn't sound like something I would be overly interested in if I were in AMX's shoes. Anyway, I will continue to work on it.
To this point, I have been able to display the cameras on the MVP-8400 using the MJPEG display. Use the DVR's IP address for HOST, leave PATH blank and use: display_pic.cgi?cam=1&res=hi&control=PLAY for the file. Change cam=x to the appropriate cam number. I am still working on the formatting of the image, but I think I need to change the recording format to 640x480 instead of 640x240.
Hope this helps,
I have had no luck with ip control - has anyone?
which port is for control - ive tried 23 and 80?
is a login required for ip connection to the dvr?
is there anything in setup of dvr menu to enable or configure?
any help is greatly appreciated!
I did some work with the DS2 DVR a couple of years ago. I had to use a combination of IP and IR to get it running as I never got round to sniffing out a complete set of commands (I think this should be possible as DM use an IP based solution for a remote keyboard). I had to use IR for the event log commands as they had been removed from the serial interface at the time - don't know if that is still the case.
IP port is 23. I believe the default login is User: dm Password: telnet Although this is configurable from the menus. I don't think that there was any other setup required. If you connect on telnet you should see the login lines and be able to handle this pretty easily in your code.
Hope that helps,
I connected via telnet but port 23 were for setup commands, i just want to be able to control the cameras.
Seems simple enough but i've never spent so much time on 232/ ir control just to move a camera.
This is my second project with them and still no luck.
tech support is no help at all
Kevin D.
These are the instructions that I followed for IP control over port 23. I only used IR for event control as this was not supported for the new DS2.
I am assuming it is a DS2 you are using.
anybody successful with controlling this via 232 or ip?
has 4 232 ports on it bit get conflicting reports from tech support on how to configure them.
I have the command list but no luck with initial connection