I've migrated the two projects I've put up so far into the the amx-netlinx-common google code project. Apologies for the continuous movement and change but hopefully this will help to keep everything together nicely and maintain coherency across the libraries. Nerieru and true, I've added both of you as contributors. To help keep a track off what issues relate to which libraries I've set up some tags (Google code method for sorting and management) for each library so please make sure if your submitting any tickets tag them with the library they relate to.
XAMP is nice, however its only Apache, MySQL and PHP. For code hosting you will likely need subversion or of one of the many other source code management servers as well. Google code ain't to bad though, and it's independent of any of us so if the person who kicks off / is managing the project is hit by a bus nothing is lost.
Good to know Kim, def checking it out this weekend. Right now there's only the string/math lib so we sure have to add some stuff, I'll be adding modules on a regular basis once they're good enough (commented ).
Should we add simple modules as well (device modules)? Also do we have a discussion group or something anywhere?
If we can I'd like to keep that repository free of modules (as things could get messy rather quickly) and instead use it to focus on any libraries that might be commonly useful, sort of like the NetLinx equivalent of the Java core libraries. If you (or anyone else) has any modules I'd recommend setting up a Google project for each of them because, by definition, they're modular. You can then tag the project with 'NetLinx' or 'AMX' (or both) so they can all be easily found.
As far as a discussion group goes there's the Google group I've set up for the project for any random discussion. However, I'll be working on trying start populating the wiki on the Google code project this week with things like the coding style etc and that has the facility to add comments and changes.
If you (or anyone else) has any modules I'd recommend setting up a Google project for each of them because, by definition, they're modular.
Since we're all here on the froum anyway wouldn't it make better sense just to use the repository we already have for mods and functions? We could have admin add a functions repository just to keep things organized and seperated from modules. A seperate location for group collaborations is one thing and makes good sense but another site just to post finished code or snippets doesn't seem pratical.
Besides most people here don't like posting their code, probably because they worry about what the critics will say.
Having any modules and code on the forums is a nice distribution solution, however this falls down when you have multiple geographically dispersed devs collaborating on their development. What code project sites offer is a combination of tools, which when combined, provide a file management, communication and project tracking framework to help keep things in order.
To help keep the community tied to the forums we can set up a post (or I can edit the head post in this thread) to have links to all the projects, and direct links to any of the downloads. Ditto with any open source modules people set up - they can be added to the Modpedia and rather than attaching the module to the post, just link to the project download.
Besides most people here don't like posting their code, probably because they worry about what the critics will say.
Eh, don't mind the critics. I'm not perfect. PhreaK isn't perfect. If there's major or stupid bugs in my code, I would hope they're pointed out to me so a) I learn and b) it gets fixed. But then again, I'm an OSS advocate / supporter / developer so...
Re: google code, I'm not a fan of giving Google even more information, ...I'll work on the standard lib stuff and anything else anyone else posts that I am interested in there, but (eventually) will get to work on other unrelated stuff in my repository (like open sourcing my two-way AppleTV module). Consider mine more of an anything-goes sandbox, and the standard lib one an organized, coordinated effort to develop libraries of functions that should've been built in to begin with.
Having any modules and code on the forums is a nice distribution solution, however this falls down when you have multiple geographically dispersed devs collaborating on their development. What code project sites offer is a combination of tools, which when combined, provide a file management, communication and project tracking framework to help keep things in order.
To help keep the community tied to the forums we can set up a post (or I can edit the head post in this thread) to have links to all the projects, and direct links to any of the downloads. Ditto with any open source modules people set up - they can be added to the Modpedia and rather than attaching the module to the post, just link to the project download.
I'll post separate projects then, might not be on google code however
Eh, don't mind the critics. I'm not perfect. PhreaK isn't perfect. If there's major or stupid bugs in my code, I would hope they're pointed out to me so a) I learn and b) it gets fixed. But then again, I'm an OSS advocate / supporter / developer so...
Re: google code, I'm not a fan of giving Google even more information, ...I'll work on the standard lib stuff and anything else anyone else posts that I am interested in there, but (eventually) will get to work on other unrelated stuff in my repository (like open sourcing my two-way AppleTV module). Consider mine more of an anything-goes sandbox, and the standard lib one an organized, coordinated effort to develop libraries of functions that should've been built in to begin with.
Well you did set up your own server for this purpose did you not? I don't really mind google and I'd really like to see your two-way AppleTV Module .
More importantly I'll gladly post my code as right now it's far from good. So I completely agree with you on that.
Since we're all here on the froum anyway wouldn't it make better sense just to use the repository we already have for mods and functions? We could have admin add a functions repository just to keep things organized and seperated from modules. A seperate location for group collaborations is one thing and makes good sense but another site just to post finished code or snippets doesn't seem pratical.
Besides most people here don't like posting their code, probably because they worry about what the critics will say.
I agree with Phreak on it really. We could post links there, but they need to be managed anyway so let's keep it central there.
Well you did set up your own server for this purpose did you not? I don't really mind google and I'd really like to see your two-way AppleTV Module .
I didn't set up my server specifically for this, I just do a bit of development on other stuff so I added another repository. I intend to stick most of my stuff there. I'll also have a bugtracker to keep any bugs that people want to report, and new bugs can be assigned to different subprojects.
Re: AppleTV, I already sent this to a couple of people, but I don't have an AppleTV to develop against. I'd like to opensource the module (and, though I'm not a big fan of doing this, perhaps dual license for small additional income and incentive for me and making it unnecessary to distribute source for those who write closed systems) but not in the condition it is in. So I need an AppleTV...if someone wanted to throw one my way, I could then actively maintain the module, finish adding important features, and give the helper source and updates up until I open source it. Nobody seems that interested, though.
For those of you not on the mailing list - I've started putting together a code formatting and style guide for these libraries. It is by no means a definative guide at this point, rather a starting point for discussion. If you are interested in providing input and influencing the style we adopt, and haven't done so already, I encourage you to head over to the project site and comment, edit and abuse the wiki.
So I need an AppleTV...if someone wanted to throw one my way, I could then actively maintain the module, finish adding important features, and give the helper source and updates up until I open source it. Nobody seems that interested, though.
Doh, it's not like it's so cheap that you can just go throwing it around! What if it breaks?
But if that's the issue why don't you close source it with a few guys from the community, particularly those who do have an apple TV? (I don't)
I might be able to get myself one for development purposes, but I can't throw it all the way to the states..
Also if you want to make money of it, you'll need to offer support etc..
Doh, it's not like it's so cheap that you can just go throwing it around! What if it breaks?
But if that's the issue why don't you close source it with a few guys from the community, particularly those who do have an apple TV? (I don't)
Also if you want to make money of it, you'll need to offer support etc..
Oh, the intention WOULD be to sledge it eventually...
But this is why I mentioned dual licensing - it could be closed and need not be distributed by paying a licensing fee, or the open version could be used and the source would NEED to be given or offered to customers without a fee. I've already offered this trade to a couple of people and have been ignored on it.
Support / bugfixes / feature requests could come with a fee (or, in the case of the latter two, be more likely to be fixed in a timely manner). I don't need to get rich from it, but having some spare cash to pay all these bills would be nice.
I might be able to get myself one for development purposes, but I can't throw it all the way to the states..
On Apple's site they're like $230. They can be sent as gifts! As I don't have a personal need for one and can't afford to place bets on people wanting to pay to help support of an open module (I'm very much broke right now) I can't buy one to develop against. I'm sure vendors with limited programming staff out there might be interested but this takes marketing, presence, etc... and I'm a programmer, not a business guy. Maybe I should put up some sort of website for it? I don't know, it's all very new and immature, I don't know where I want to go with it other than eventually opening the code up and getting more functionality in.
You mean the UI? Or a screenshot of the compiled binary file? When I am done with this current project, I'll post pictures of a 5200 showing feedback and the various parts of the AppleTV ui (like the remote pairing screen, online videos, etc)
I've got an AppleTV (which for the record I still think is one of apple's most reasonably priced and under-appreciated products). It's in a modified state, but I can switch it back to vanilla for dev purposes. If you're keen to open source I'd be more than happy to contribute to the project.
I've got an AppleTV (which for the record I still think is one of apple's most reasonably priced and under-appreciated products). It's in a modified state, but I can switch it back to vanilla for dev purposes. If you're keen to open source I'd be more than happy to contribute to the project.
It _WILL_ be opened, I just don't want to open this one as a half finished project...I want the first public release to be somewhat featured. I expect this to happen in ~1 month.
It _WILL_ be opened, I just don't want to open this one as a half finished project...I want the first public release to be somewhat featured. I expect this to happen in ~1 month.
I have one of the first aTVs (the one with the 30 or 40gb harddrive) that I don't have hooked up right now. I could probably loan it to you if you had a loose timeline as to how long you would need it.
I would offer to help with the dev, but I wont have any extra time for at least the next few months.
Send me an email if you want to work out a deal. the8thst at gmail dot com.
XAMP is nice, however its only Apache, MySQL and PHP. For code hosting you will likely need subversion or of one of the many other source code management servers as well. Google code ain't to bad though, and it's independent of any of us so if the person who kicks off / is managing the project is hit by a bus nothing is lost.
Should we add simple modules as well (device modules)? Also do we have a discussion group or something anywhere?
As far as a discussion group goes there's the Google group I've set up for the project for any random discussion. However, I'll be working on trying start populating the wiki on the Google code project this week with things like the coding style etc and that has the facility to add comments and changes.
Besides most people here don't like posting their code, probably because they worry about what the critics will say.
To help keep the community tied to the forums we can set up a post (or I can edit the head post in this thread) to have links to all the projects, and direct links to any of the downloads. Ditto with any open source modules people set up - they can be added to the Modpedia and rather than attaching the module to the post, just link to the project download.
Eh, don't mind the critics. I'm not perfect. PhreaK isn't perfect. If there's major or stupid bugs in my code, I would hope they're pointed out to me so a) I learn and b) it gets fixed. But then again, I'm an OSS advocate / supporter / developer so...
Re: google code, I'm not a fan of giving Google even more information, ...I'll work on the standard lib stuff and anything else anyone else posts that I am interested in there, but (eventually) will get to work on other unrelated stuff in my repository (like open sourcing my two-way AppleTV module). Consider mine more of an anything-goes sandbox, and the standard lib one an organized, coordinated effort to develop libraries of functions that should've been built in to begin with.
I'll post separate projects then, might not be on google code however
Well you did set up your own server for this purpose did you not? I don't really mind google and I'd really like to see your two-way AppleTV Module
More importantly I'll gladly post my code as right now it's far from good. So I completely agree with you on that.
I agree with Phreak on it really. We could post links there, but they need to be managed anyway so let's keep it central there.
Re: AppleTV, I already sent this to a couple of people, but I don't have an AppleTV to develop against. I'd like to opensource the module (and, though I'm not a big fan of doing this, perhaps dual license for small additional income and incentive for me and making it unnecessary to distribute source for those who write closed systems) but not in the condition it is in. So I need an AppleTV...if someone wanted to throw one my way, I could then actively maintain the module, finish adding important features, and give the helper source and updates up until I open source it. Nobody seems that interested, though.
Doh, it's not like it's so cheap that you can just go throwing it around! What if it breaks?
But if that's the issue why don't you close source it with a few guys from the community, particularly those who do have an apple TV? (I don't)
I might be able to get myself one for development purposes, but I can't throw it all the way to the states..
Also if you want to make money of it, you'll need to offer support etc..
Can you send me a screenshot of your module?
@PhreaK, damn dude looking sexy!
But this is why I mentioned dual licensing - it could be closed and need not be distributed by paying a licensing fee, or the open version could be used and the source would NEED to be given or offered to customers without a fee. I've already offered this trade to a couple of people and have been ignored on it.
Support / bugfixes / feature requests could come with a fee (or, in the case of the latter two, be more likely to be fixed in a timely manner). I don't need to get rich from it, but having some spare cash to pay all these bills would be nice.
On Apple's site they're like $230. They can be sent as gifts!
You mean the UI? Or a screenshot of the compiled binary file?
I've got an AppleTV (which for the record I still think is one of apple's most reasonably priced and under-appreciated products). It's in a modified state, but I can switch it back to vanilla for dev purposes. If you're keen to open source I'd be more than happy to contribute to the project.
It _WILL_ be opened, I just don't want to open this one as a half finished project...I want the first public release to be somewhat featured. I expect this to happen in ~1 month.
I have one of the first aTVs (the one with the 30 or 40gb harddrive) that I don't have hooked up right now. I could probably loan it to you if you had a loose timeline as to how long you would need it.
I would offer to help with the dev, but I wont have any extra time for at least the next few months.
Send me an email if you want to work out a deal. the8thst at gmail dot com.